
Like me, they don't watch "Doctor Who" and don't know how to pronounce "Dalek"?

Stop trying to make "Avatar" a thing, Cameron!

The so-called state of "Florida"!

Distinguished Competition!

You better get in before we secede. We might build a wall and block all y'all out.

That better never happen.

John Wick: Chapter 2 and The Lego Batman Movie, both of which I highly recommend. The latter had me grinning and/or laughing so hard that my face hurt when it was done. Very enjoyable time at the movies. Didn't think the 3D was all that, but we missed the prior showing by a hair.

I can't even imagine having the time to do all that. People are screwy.

Sorry, Pope.

After being sick for three days last week and finally finding out what is going on with my back (bulging disc and general degeneration, yay?), I went out and saw John Wick Chapter 2 on Saturday and The Lego Batman Movie on Sunday. Saw the latter with a friend, and we went out for tacos guisados after. Pretty nice

I like Trumplethinskin.

I didn't have that problem because the whole thing about the marker was in the rules. The films have been pretty good about establishing the rules and keeping to them. I think.

It was my fave scene, too. It was hilarious! I also enjoyed the fight with Cassian because they were so evenly matched. I'm hoping for the same thing in 3 you all above are hoping for.

That's probably why Drumpf thinks he can shoot someone in the street and no one will care.

There have been a few blind items about it, but no one ever named him, just her as the married woman.

Usenet was still a thing back then, and we had long "discussions" about the suicide (I think I was originally in the camp that the Crosetti would never commit suicide and it was a terrible story choice). Besides Meldrick's meltdown, though, it did give us that great shot of Pembleton in uniform saluting the funeral

I thought she was dating some married dude? Or she was married and started dating someone while she was still married? I am behind in my gossip. Where's @clytie?

Aim higher.

Yeah. Tough shit.

I generally ignore that stuff, to be honest, but now? NOW I NEEDS IT. :(