
Help, help, I'm being repressed!

He's cute, but he probably smells like Zoidberg.

I need a happy ending.


Is your nose armed and ready?

I'm all in for Arnold's response, but I'm still not going to watch that crappy show. Losahs!

Pence will want to get a second term. He's an actual politician, which is the least-nasty thing I can say about him.

I would like to go to a spa, please.

Except they're doing a terrible job of it already. It's barely been two weeks!

Not that I want this, but can't the military step in if that's the case? I can't imagine they're at all happy with his recklessness already getting a Navy SEAL killed.

I didn't know the whole details when I posted. He's a monster. Period.

^This. It's a good film, but it's very dark.

Under the wire!

I like "Twitler" and "Trumplethinskin" best.

Andrew Breitbart is in Hell seething with jealousy.

About damn time!

It's also Women in Horror month, which can be read on a few different levels.


I don't have much to say about this other than YAY, but I'm so rarely first on these things that I had to say something.

Spoiler alert: There are meddling kids involved!