
See the other Newswire about female directors in Hollywood for more!

You know we gals can hear ya, right?

You can have my cramps to atone for your sins.


Trump had their tear ducts removed as a precautionary matter.

Might as well create a macro of it.

He has a tongue? I've never gotten past the nose. *shudder*

He was heading somewhere "secret" regarding the fallen Navy Seal. I do not envy those poor parents having to get a call from the Mouthbreather-in-Chief :(

Is it time for the Two Minutes Hate? Can we have it every two minutes? I don't think just one two-minute segment will suffice.

*Psst! She's standing right behind you!*

I can only think of one thing at a time.

Not if you're Daredevil!

I can tell that we are gonna be friends.

The fun is in the Dexter homage.

"At least give us a net to catch them, pendejos."

Pee on all the Trump things! Everywhere! Everybody pee now!

He's golden that way.

"And the audience would forgive me, too!"

I love this version of Mon-El. He's such a cute puppy, yes he is, yes he is!

Limehouse coming at him like a Jedi.