
If you're Beckett, you can do a whole chapter made of one sentence with many, many discursions.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Vivid already did it.

I had the good fortune to meet him at Comikaze some years ago. He's a lovely man. I had to be coaxed to talk to him by another actor, though, because he's the got-damn Candyman. (Seriously, though, I did tell him how much I loved his terrifying performance in that film.)

I'm plain mad.

Especially those jerks.

Gutting the [redacted] with his hook hand?

Just stream it and walk away while it plays so the rest of us who loved it can have it again. Pretty please?

The misreadings I've been seeing (and hearing about from friends) about this and La La Land have really angered up my blood. Well, that and the high-dose of prednisone I'm currently on.

I wouldn't say that, but I will say you have definitely misread that movie in a big way.

She will.

You and I saw mostly the same movie. I don't know what the hell Daniel saw.

I'm with you there!

I saw Split and really liked it. Great performance by James McAvoy, and the twist tickled me.

Big hugs to you, sweetie!

You da true MVP.

Fun fact: My gardener's name is Jesús, but he goes by his middle name, Julio. More fun fact: He's my neighbor's dad, so I get a discount.

Happy birthday, whippersnapper!

What did you see and where they any good?

That's what I think as well. I also wouldn't put it past them to allow another 9/11 to happen so they can declare martial law.