

The Japanese think of everything!!

Yeah, I fell for that "blue waffle" thing once. Never again!

He was on Parks and Recreation, not The Office.

The worst was the German doctor who started lecturing my friend and I about how poorly we'd treated the "American Indian" because he'd worked on reservations in America and knew all about it. We were sitting in a train cabin with him and his wife & kids. The wife gave me a "Sorry!" look and I returned it, so while

Oh, goddammit.

I was a student abroad during the Reagan years and I started passing as Canadian, Danish, or whatever else I could get away with precisely so I wouldn't have to hear it about a president I neither voted for nor respected.

Only after he's inaugurated. Before that, he's not president; hence, Pence cannot step in if something happens to him (because he will also not be veep).

I voted for Ash. Town Hero Ashley J Williams, our one true president!

She won't. She's proud of what she says (especially her Islamophobia).


I saw Manchester by the Sea yesterday afternoon. It's good.

In contrast to last weekend, surprisingly uneventful. Caught up on sleep, got a few things done, saw Manchester by the Sea with a friend. I feel relaxed. Oh, and I had manual traction for my back last week and since then, I've been feeling a lot better. Pain's localized to the sciatic nerve for now, which really is

Same here, especially since reading your description.

The Purge will be real! I, for one, welcome the chance to purge our billionaire overlords!

Didn't Pablo still have writing on him? He can read it, so he could recite the time-travel incantation. I think, though, the whole ending is a trick perpetrated by '80s Ruby.

I had no idea about the behind-the-scenes drama and I enjoyed the finale very much, although it did leave a bunch of questions unanswered (especially my favorite, "Who the f*** is Ruby!?"). Seriously, the one thing I felt robbed of was seeing her meet another Knowby to see if they recognized her. ARGH.

I'm pretty sure one of the things Brock said was "you and I aren't," which I took to mean aren't biological father and son. Hope they find a way to give us that knowledge next season!

I admire your consistency.

Ruby said last ep that the timeline has a present constant in Ash, so he would know what he did (like Barry knows what happened because of Flashpoint but no one else does). That means that Linda, Kelly, Pablo, etc., should have forgotten (the way it seems Linda forgot she had a daughter and husband who were recently