
That's what I though they were going for. It would be awesome to bring Jane Levy into this, too.

When Ash told her she killed her own children, you could tell she was very unhappy with that wrinkle. Killing our Ruby seems like revenge for that.

Ruby needed to put her own stamp on the deal since she wasn't consulted for her approval in the first place. No wonder she turned on Bill!

Best thread digression ever! (well, next to that Law & Order conversation from years back).

*Taco Bell Bell readies a "bong"*

You sneezed on him!

"@Midnight" also has a hashtag round for Whovian to downvote.

My stomach was bothering me and that image made me throw up, so, um, thanks?

Hmm, but they still eat corn dogs.

Oreos? Should I look that one up? I'm kind of afraid to.

I had to look it up, so no credits for me, but I also thought it was about Evan Dorkin, and I enjoy going down that rabbit hole, so I win anyway!


I like the one with Black Philip's cousin, White Philip, startling the child.

—100% of Trump Supporters

Do we ever!

Your owl fetish is disturbing.

I'll put a rose on your casket.

And it will have the same size hands hands, proportionally, as Trump does.

"Then I corrected his grammar!. 'Fewer,' I said, in my deadpan way. The man soiled his armor in shame. Hilarious!"
