
Sweet Paisley Jesus!

Because he will killed in an accident this year, you insensitive clod.

There's another rumor that she doesn't like sex and so avoids it. There's a third rumor that doesn't like sex with men because she's into women. This is the extent of the sex rumors I have heard about Taylor Swift.

There's an event in two years that could potentially restrain the awfulness for the subsequent two years before exercising of the opt-out.

I think it was more being uncomfortable because he had to protect his junk from getting kicked or punched. It was an unexpected downturn after the rather lighthearted start, but having him reveal a little more about what goes into fighting nude was interesting.

Heard part of it on the radio this morning (the show I listened to played a snippet) and it is dreadfully generic. Just dreck.

I always thought you were a globe, but a lantern's cool, too.

For my first ever question asked at a Comic-Con panel, I jokingly asked Sully about his contract and how many times he was required to get naked (not quite like that, but it was the gist), which I turned into a question about have so many nude scenes. He brought up the nude fight and I asked how he prepared for that,

They had to off John Porter because Richard Armitage got the Hobbit role. Or, he asked to be offed. I don't recall exactly, just that Armitage wasn't really available any more.

YES. You meanie!

You left out the "man ass" part. I liked that part. A lot.

Yay! The "Copy that!" game is back!

—From "The Philosophy of Donald Trump"


Someone reanimate Rowdy Roddy Piper, stat!

Beat me to it by 17 hours, but yeah, pretty much that.

It's a veritable wretched hive of scum and villainy!


Cruise allegedly had a psychotic break when they finally revealed all the Xenu crap to him (this according to internet gossip way back when).

"$cientology" (or "CO$" for short) are what I have been seeing on the internetz since the '90s. Spelling it that way is the closest I'll come to being respectful to those clams.