
They don't care, unfortunately.

He wasn't always deadpan on that show. Which I, too, miss! *sniffle*

Dick Wells > all the other Wellses

Also, he said he knew how to piss her off, which rattled her focus.

Not on your life, my Hindu friend!

A pony is a particular breed of horse, rather small, but not the same as a foal.


She withdrew from the case because of getting death threats, didn't she?

3rd grader.

I'm surprised he actually is giving up his business interests. Well, we'll see if he does; just because he announced it doesn't mean he'll stick to it (also, that announcement was clearly written for him by someone else).

I would not be surprised to learn they were filming him in close-up because he was, in fact, popping a squat.

I'll be right over!

I see you've played phone-y/baby before!

All I ask of you is: No spit takes, please.

Great, now I won't be able to sleep, like, ever.

We don't know that it wouldn't have happened anyway. I say restore the timeline and let's find out! Unless by restoring, that brings about Crisis, in which case…NO.

So did Mr. Rhoda!

Supposedly it's supposed to bind them together more closely as friends and give them strength. Something like that.

What's funnier for me is that's what's in my pantry right now—bought before the ep where Rogelio was forced to incorporate it into Tiago.

I want to see if our time wizards on LoT will fix Barry's Flashpoint mess.