
I'm all for secession at this point. We're a pretty self-sustaining state.

Dude, it's in the Bible, so of course it should be in the law, too. Duh.

Yes, you should use spoiler tags on that.

She's the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything!

Sorry :(

It's a good one to see, though. It has an uplifting message (hope that's not a spoiler), plus it's just great all around.

Yikes! Hope you feel better soon!

Friday: Saw Arrival with a friend and had dinner after. Saturday: Did some cleaning and watched a lot of TV, continuing my theme of escapism. Sunday: Went to lunch with a friend in Seal Beach, where we strolled the pier and the neighborhood, then drove to Bolsa Chica, where we strolled the wetlands preserve and saw


Musique Non Stop

What you mean, Huckleberry Finn is not the same book as the original? I've been out of academia for a long time; are they teaching some weird revised version now?

Don't you meant jokes…

I will not tolerate this oppression of Hank Kingsley's most famous phrase!

Wait, it was that easy to seduce you all along? Everything I know is a lie!

My sister said her 10-year-old twins are confused that someone with Trump's temperament could become president. I'm worried for them growing up in this world, especially my niece for obvious reasons. Goddammit.


Happy birthday! *hugs*

They should save Trump the trouble and self-deport. Not like he's gonna care who's a citizen or not when he sees the brown skin.

Oh, dammit, we're in The Walking Dead? Darkest Timeline of all.

This sounds terrible, but Pool Boy's in it, so I'll probably at least watch the pilot.