
Except Olenna Redwyne was not sworn to devote her life directly to defending the life of Joffrey. The reason everyone reacted so violently to Jaime killing Aerys (? I get all the old Targs confused) is that Jaime was one of his Kingsguard, bound by oath to defend that same man as his sole purpose in life. It wasn't

A lot of articles about men - a lot of articles about how men are violent, brutish oppressors with the constant need to rape.

"" she is limited by her own individual abilities.""

But then we're all rape victims. Or survivors. Or something. Isn't that supposed to be a big deal? Should I join a support group for boyfriend's who've been nagged into sex when they're tired?

" It doesn't necessarily mean killing the mad king was a 'good act.'

"what about teh menz!?"

Sure it can, it just has to be a man being raped.

Isn't calling me 'bro' projecting an artificial social construct onto me? Stop oppressing me msLiz506!

I've been raped a ton of times then. Well, damn. What now?

Nope, rape happens, to both men and women, primarily because a small percentage of humanity are very sick individuals who need to be locked away for the good of society. It's a shitty thing, but also a thing which attracts a lot of attention, which makes it easy to exploit for various agendas. That's why we have a

I'm touched by your concern, but not surprised by your complete lack of actual argument to back up your response. Maybe tell me what concerns you, instead of just saying ''you're wrong and you're dumb!''

No it isn't, it's the objection voiced by fans in the comment section. Her objection was specifically that the rape was put in to draw male viewers in by arousing them - an absurd and offensive idea in equal measure.

"You don't hear about girls at college parties concerned their
drinks are poisoned. And that the frat guy might randomly murder them,
but get away with it because the school is protecting its reputation"

Being told that you're inherently inclined towards a horrible crime because of your gender starts to suck after a while. Think about that for a while the next time you can't understand why someone might protest the conception and depiction of 'rape culture.'

I just wish they'd let us vote on the actual articles, or provide meaingful feedback :( There are certain writers there to whom I would love to point out the terribleness and wrongness of their articles, but I know they only go off page views, so the best I can do is avoid the obvious nonsense.

I suspect she's in for some disappointment then - Just going off the trajectory of Jaime and Cersei's respective narrative's in the books.

So what did she actually mean? Did she actually just forget to qualify that it's only the evil cis-straight-white men that don't feel pain?

Funnily, I've browsed for years but never scrolled down to their comments section for fear of wasting time on meaningless internet debates. I've been on avclub maybe 3 times in my life, and I've just wasted 2 hours here arguing about a scene everyone agrees was stupid.

That isn't the point the author was making. If she was arguing against it because of the narrative departure, all of this arguing wouldn't be happening because everyone agrees that it's fucking stupid.

" man pain." being the joke, because men as a collective half of the human race don't feel pain, right?