
A bit of a long, convoluted way to "explain away" the obvious fanservice (considering every contour of their breasts is fully rendered, right down to the prepubescent one), but at least it was a creative concept.

Also posted on TAY this morning was a review of last night's Wrestlemania event. Check it out here:

Have you watched "Say 'I love you'"? It has a female lead and I can't think of any female characters that are reduced to talking boobs. The premise is that the anti-social girl ends up dating the popular boy. It's also on Crunchyroll.


fork(child). That is all.

I see this and think....


I once defined variables "GiantEnemyCrab" and "WeakPointForMassiveDamage" on a Computer Science exam before. The professor brought it up to the class (of around 100) as an example of how not to define variables. My mission was accomplished.

Oh! I remember, once I had a very long bit of code to fetch some data (5-6 lines, just to fetch data on the server in a game, but I had no way to access directly the object I wanted, I had to try many and hope I got it sooner than later), and I was getting REALLY sleepy, and I wrote:
// Go Cody! Go fetch me some data!

Never underestimate the creative wit of over-worked and highly caffeinated IT professionals.

I was trying to reference an actual MS fuckup and failed. Upon doing a google search, the actual immature error message somebody reserved showed up on Giz back in 2012, and it was 0xB16B00B5. Apparently 8008135 was in earlier versions and was removed.

I partially agree within the context that this same video was directed at that same demographic, but given it's a small but sizable band fueled by a bit of nostalgia, it hardly matters little unless you're a bit of a word nut...

The greatest thing are the TAs are down with our inane code jokes. It's a good change for the normally boring and tedious nature of marking code. I gotcha fellow TA. I know how it feels.

Yeah, I can attest to this as a Computer Science and Engineering student. the clever in jokes help to keep us from going completely insane...
