I give it 9/10 odds it was a random software engineer that made a random arbitrary limit to simplify something and now six years later it’s coming back to bite the service.
I give it 9/10 odds it was a random software engineer that made a random arbitrary limit to simplify something and now six years later it’s coming back to bite the service.
Arbitrary limits exist everywhere in software, usually as a check against what a developer believes is an upper bound, because you don’t design a system to be infinite. The 1000 limit made sense when it was <10 GB of storage, but now that limit doesn’t.
Never get into UX.
A pretty box that simplifies the operation of the whole thing by having a tailored operating system and a standardized set of components meant to ensure that everyone has the same experience.
1 little bug in the code
This deserves more love than it gets.
Obligatory “time zones aren’t as easy as you think so don’t act like they are”.
Either that or a designer ported over the map for testing.
Well, if they made Dragonflies instead of Lawbreakers they wouldn’t be bankrupt.
Technically speaking it’s not as easy as shoving more towers into the area. Even if you saturate the area with them, you need to do it with every provider, and ensure that the load balancing in the area is optimal. In addition they need to be making use of good performance topology to ensure the spectrum isn’t being…
After a bit of time and learning it becomes more of a puzzle game as a friend of mine best put it. The first time you do a scenario it’s a black box and you know nothing, and you’ll do the best you can. Once you can anticipate the challenges that you’ll face in a scenario that largely falls away.
and this new multiplayer map is free for everyone
Indeed, there are not any metrics on tenure and job discipline given. There’s a lot of scalar values here to consider but a distinct lack of context by which to draw conclusions directly.
Well, the real on the other hand is when you don’t give players a tool to abuse they’ll complain that you didn’t give them enough features.
If it’s like it was in the early beta that game will auto lock on to the person, so you can’t miss. Now, you could position yourself so that there was a person between you and the shooter (human shield), but the shooter can move faster than you can so it’s unlikely to work for long.
...it is a lot more complicated than that.
Surviving Mars acts like more of a city builder. More compartmentalization and expansion rather than tuning efficiency every twenty or so minutes like Planetbase. That said there are a number of similarities that I’m not sure are a coincidence.
Signposting too explicitly can lead to reverse-engineering of the anti-cheat, defeating the purpose entirely.