
At the same time, you’d be surprised how much more efficient the development process is now than it was years ago. One only needs to go back and listen to compare stories from the sixth and seventh generation of consoles to now. Engineers have a great number of things down to a very exact science and it’s more like a

Throwing more people at a problem does not fix a problem.

You could ask Jason to delay Destiny 2 for you.

As the article touches on, it’s difficult to “fix” a problem like this since it necessarily requires a definition for what “it” is. When you answer that question, you become the enforcement and that can be good and bad.

People lie and then complain about shitty netcode without connecting dots.

Game logic does run on a main loop which is probably running per-frame since that just makes sense, so it’s not idiotic to think that more throughput on the main loop might make loading times faster if it can get more loops in per second.


Ace Combat protagonist. You’ll literally never see them or hear them.


Different companies. There’s an Avalanche Studios and an Avalanche Software. Infinity and this are the latter.

A game that is intended to not just be extended with DLC in post-release but actively continued with major patches, DLC, and for a seemingly indefinite amount of time.

Oh yes, certainly. One of Ace Combat’s great triumphs was the relationship they maintained with the many manufacturers. Any real aircraft is likely protected under various countries’ copyright mechanisms.

You know that the people that complain haven’t played heals for long. Healers are always underappreciated. It’s a universal constant that keeps everything in balance.


Added option to skip autopilot sequences in the galaxy map

I’m not ready, still have a few hours of Mass Effect left.

I need to pull at least one of these out of the greys.