To answer your penultimate question, I’ll give you an old George Carlin quote:
To answer your penultimate question, I’ll give you an old George Carlin quote:
lol @ the people who are all “I thought he’d be more presidential after he’d won.” or “I didn’t actually think he’d do those terrible things he said he was going to do!”
Can you imagine if Obama had done anything even remotely so disrespectful to religious people? But I’ll bet Donald gets a pass.
were it not for his ridiculously long list of reprehensible actions that are going to get us all killed and his complete lack of self awareness and shame, the fact that he’s ok with these fucking suits would be the worst thing about him
Being afraid of stairs and doorways is CLASSIC, well-documented dementia behavior.
Right? This is the exact same logic Trump supporters use against refugees. Fuck this elitist form of thinking.
I love California, lived there for 25 years, but let’s not pretend the entire state is a bastion of progressive ideals. Much like other states, it’s only the highly populated areas that are liberal. LA area, San Francisco and maybe? San Diego. The rest of the state can be as redneck as they come. When I lived in the…
This. What kind of “compassionate” liberal progressive wants their state to abandon the nation to punish people? More people voted for HRC than Trump. There are other blue states. I voted for her in Colorado, a blue state. I want to punish Trump and third party voters too, but hurting those on your side? What. The.…
Every where is real America my friend. When you say fuck them, you’re cool with fucking over Detroit and Flint? Standing Rock? What about the huge number of arab Americans living in Dearborn? All of America has immigrants, women, people of color, disabled people, LGBTQIA folks, and liberals who campaign, and fight for…
Or liberal urban centers that are scattered across the red sea. Seriously this smug bullshit almost makes me want them to leave.
The Dump kids are trying their hardest to look like “an American Family in the White House” through social media. For every one of Ivanka’s bullshit family instagram photos, we need to blast her with photos of dying Syrian children in response.
Right, states are either red or blue by a few percentage points.
Glad that Kim K’s posted that... I believe her audience is not political, or even republican, which means that she has a basis for educating them. Facts! They still exist.
Because lord knows there aren’t any backwoods racists in California...
Oh my god no!!!! That’s way too risky.
This would be the biggest fuck you possible for African-Americans. Such an idiotic idea.
As a history nerd, I like to reassure myself that what we’re experiencing now is a normal part of progress. There is always a sort of kickback before society changes meaningfully. The 50's were a kickback decade. There was a kickback during the industrial revolution. The Spanish Inquisition was partly in response to…
You are either naive or a poor student of history.
“I know how we can handle a Presidential loose cannon! Let’s start a civil war!!” - California