Excuse for what?
Excuse for what?
He dressed like that before he lost the weight. The clothes just weren't as baggy then.
Forget the shitty movies, anyone who dresses like Kevin Smith should completely avoid the phrase “bad look” no matter the context.
Throw in The Harlem Globetrotters, and you've got yourself a deal.
As someone who was also glued to the TV that day, it is true that Phil Collins transcontinental stunt was the talk of the day. And then Queen performed, and rendered Collins contributions that day (along with pretty much everyone else’s) to a footnote. All anyone cares to remember about Phil Collins at Live Aid is…
But is it automatic? Or systematic? Or even, dare I say, hydromatic?
Nonsense. The surface has barely been scratched when it comes to dissecting the nuances and intricacies of DC Cab. Why discussion of ”the run” alone could keep writers busy for years.
Oddly, a character does get diagnosed with breast cancer. But even stranger still, nothing comes of it.
I'm pretty sure that was a Ziggy.
“Stormin Norman” is most famously associated with Schwarzkopf, but I seriously doubt he is the first Norman ever to have the “Stormin” nickname. And even if he was, he served in Vietnam too. So Boseman's character having that nickname is anything but anachronistic.
I was certain Paul Ryan was going to be the “man” in the headline.
Indeed, Sheldon’s reign of terror continues unabated.
And you should win things just for watching.
“Rad” is one of those strange pop cultural blind spots I possess.
it’s just not knowing
whathow to writeabout.
Goes to show talent only goes so far and appealing to stoners and incels is profitable.
Oh no it won’t!
Oh, I don’t know, I think one of the great intellects of our time, Pete the Killer (who was Sally Balls’ brother), could have took care of that thing for him.