
I think I have an idea of who was behind this.

They need to just steer into the skid and sign Terrell Owens.

Disagree. No one talked about the fingering of buttholes in this clip.

This was almost as touching as when my Patriots fan friend proposed to his now-wife by telling her to “do her job.

It strikes me as odd that Dolan would punish a fan for the simple crime of handing out great advice.

Some men just want to watch the world burn. But even the Joker thinks this is fucking absurd.

“I see players after every game we play that want to be Raiders. They always tell me that and walk away giggling to their teammates and pointing at me. They’re clearly just overwhelmed with excitement to come here.”

I’m just surprised that someone who willingly exchanged money for a Pete Mitchell jersey showed good judgment in that video.

Thankfully for those who hold things like a painted logo on a football field in such high regard, the grounds crew has since patched things up.

Well, if I know anything about the Chargers, we should all expect an early exit.

He probably would’ve wanted to be Pillsburied instead.

And let’s not forget how bad the attendance numbers look once you account for the fact that Philip Rivers’ family is responsible for filling half of the seats.

That’s all well and good, but has his short game improved?

“The Cowboys are wasting one of the most valuable assets in all of football, and they have nobody to blame but themselves.”

Lefkoe: Alright, now we’ll bring on former Rams coach Jeff Fisher, thanks for coming on. First question for Jeff: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Good for him, it’s an impressive lesson in persistence that we can all learn from -- it must have been a bitch to type all of that.

Pictured: Kevin Love and Jordan Clarkson double-teaming Kevin Durant.

but the 1,000 fans planning to attend the event deserve better.

This is a bit like Juwanna Mann, except it’s actually kind of funny.

If you don’t type using the hunt-and-peck method, you’re a fucking pussy.