
Can I please just have my indefensible scorn for shit-bags like this - it’s a comfort in these dark times. Can’t I just call douchebag on Kevin without having to see him as a political subject? Please?

Let’s just cut to the chase where we make these adapations first in real-time and eventually in advance so we get all the dark thrills and poignant feels of the Trump regime without actually having to live through it.

American Psycho?

I’m not even a little bit dissuaded. Iceland is somehow able to remain mysterious and romantic despite all of the above. Do, however, avoid the tourist food - there’s no need to eat whale and the skeezy immorality of it is really no different just because Bjork. Plus Puffin’s fucking disgusting. OTOH, the Anthony

But it doesn’t have much of a “cast” really, just Lively and a shark. Any chance the uncle was finned, gasping for air, very very large, and had many huge teeth, rough skin and a remora or two?

This is an object lesson in why it’s best to scale back coverage of things that ought to be kept between two parties. Cho could most definitely have written back to Swinton and said - are you kidding me? I’m not a representative of Wise Asian Friends LLC and don’t want to do your affective labor. From what I’ve read

Weird to see Gawker media alum Sam Biddle now over at the Intercept where skepticism of the Russia theory is the abject inverse of the almost uniform credulity here.

But in all fairness, Ivanka arranged the Trump/Gore meeting last week because she is not a climate denier, IIRC. Her influence might be a small good thing. But, also in fairness, would anyone here seriously have the same reaction if HRC had won and Chelsea was doing the same as Ivanka? I think people would be

I’m curious where the Kinja commentariat stands on full-on US ground troops in Syria this week. I know Obama send 200 additional special forces a few days ago and I realize the possibility of ending up in, at bare minimum, seriously dangerous posturing between us and Russia is very real, but I’m really entertaining

Her intent matters very much and Manning was, on the face of it, motivated by ethical/moral concerns about the war and war in general. Remember, Daniel Ellsberg was charged with espionage too.

Espionage, indeed. She was practically Mata Hari:

FFS. I’m not disputing it’s possible this whole theory has legs but let’s remember that 1) these are anonymous sources who’ve as of yet offered no hard evidence, 2) James Clapper who very clearly lied under oath about PRISM is one of the primer movers of the theory, 3) Hayden has suggested we retaliate by crippling

Sure. I agree. I was (predictably) a very big Bernie supporter and I do feel he would’ve been a far stronger candidate against Trump (though, following his lead, I am not about to claim confidence he would’ve won - we don’t know) but I’ve never been angry at her supporters and I do understand and to some degree

I need to go read why MWE feels that way!

I’m not a millennial. I’m 40. I just didn’t truly follow politics until my early twenties. But I vividly remember the metastatic and at times obscene attacks on her by the right wing and I do believe they were largely motivated by a misogyny against strong women who rejected antiquated expectations, etc. To those who

Thanks for being friendly. I’m not rabidly angry, not at all a libertarian (as per the contemporary parlance, at least) and am allergic to the proliferation of asinine conspiracy theories these days. I used to live in DC and wish I could go gorge at Comet Ping Pong this week.

The ways in which I found her dangerous are, of course, qualitatively entirely different than the obvious ways in which Trump is dangerous. My feeling when she took on the SOS role was that she had likely negotiated it with Obama as part of her concession in 2008 in order to appear more convincingly fierce/hawkish in

Just suffered through some of her videos including an interview with Gavin McInnes, himself now emboldened by Trump to be much more open with the full-on race hate, and my money is strongly on Ms. Youcis being in the early days of a burgeoning and major thought disorder like paranoid schizophrenia or very bad bipolar.

Actually there’s a great deal of reasoning with me. I’m sure you have heard it a million times by now but I voted for Stein mostly in the hopes we might pull 5%, federal funding, etc. And, for that matter, if the duopoly is unwilling to smash the existing corrupt, private debate format, then no they most certainly

You’re just delightful.