
Absolutely and totally, I am not claiming nor do I think these or any people “deserve” mistreatment.

I’ve never been called a troll here or anywhere else and I find it frustrating but so be it. Franco is a known sleaze. He offered a service that sounded pretty marginal. He then acted sleazy (predatorily) therein. I am not surprised this happened. This does not mean I think it is OK this happened or find fault with

FFS, no. Franco has a reputation as a sleaze and was teaching sex scenes. I am not surprised he was predatory therein. That’s all.

I truly don’t follow. As best as I can tell, these classes happened *after* Franco was busted for trying to lure a known underage girl to his hotel room. Similarly, if Spacey had been offering sex scene training to young male actors at the same time, even though his offenses were still mostly hearsay, I would have

I’m not trolling and did not know that detail. I’m just saying that the James Franco Master Thespian Academy for Training in the Art of Cinematic Coitus Performance seems like a setup for exploitation from the get go.

No it’s of course not a “green light” for exploitation, but, to me, the very mise en scene screams out exploitation, no? - “James Franco has invented an acting school and is teaching sex scenes.” Not blaming, judging or criticizing these individuals. Just commenting on what a setup it seemed like in the first place.

Taking a class called “sex scenes” by master thespian James Franco strikes me as just maybe possibly a tiny bit like someone choosing to strip (at a conventional establishment) then asking the owner for an apology because he/she felt exploited. Which is not to say he/she was not legimitately exploited, but just, well

“I’m certainly not saying that [poverty | racism | white supremacy | rape | any social phenomena that forces one to acknowledge the reality of powerlessness in the face of corruption, greed and the abuse of power | etc] isn’t real, but people have to take responsibility for their own actions.”

If Ben Cardin is a “Centrist” the word has seriously lost all meaning.

Even if COS did not do this, one would have to be out to lunch to believe they *wouldn’t* do this.

Is behaviour like this wrong, emblematic of an entrenched problem around lesser-acknowledged violations of consent and thus important to discuss publicly? Yes

Yeah totally. Serial pedophiles, puppy drowners and TSA middle managers have nothing on them. /s

Here, groaning parent, let me show you how to explain to [your] 8-year-old twins what this [is.]

Alien intelligence disclosure coming from Blink 182 rather than SETI seems a pretty perfect way for the year 1 AT(rump) to conclude.

Placebo is clearly very powerful and not-yet-fully understood medicine. I feel the same way about homeopathy I do about AA - just qualify it as “faith-based” and we’re good to go.

God that show was a hoot before it bee-lined for gaudy conspiracy theory bullshit.

Activist Atheists are arrogant and condescending as fuck.

All the bases of rightful moral outrage having already been covered, let me just say that, clinically speaking, dude is seriously committed; not just black face but black ankles, forearms, calves, collarbone, etc.

In related news, President Trump visited a previously condemned Pet Smart in a dead mall and flicked half-masticated bits of spoiled lettuce off his tongue and into the mouths of terminally neglected baby lizards saying, “no better time than Christmas to give back to the community I came from.”