
This cinematic was one of my favorites in years. It makes me wanna play again. Thrall is one of the greatest heroes in fantasy, period. His character arc and all he’s accomplished is so amazing. I feel like him leaving WoW in the first place was a mistake, he is ultimately the main protagonist of all warcraft games.

“So Thrall is, lorewise, one of the most powerful and gifted shaman to have ever existed - why is he sharpening tools and farming the old fashioned way?”

She is the epitome of hero.

Chelsea Manning: here’s hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence detailing the US murdering and torturing people

Random internet dudes: I heard on Reddit that Chelsea Manning got people killed so I’m against her

There is zero evidence anyone was hurt by anything she did. All she did was expose US torture and murder.

Hah that is awesome. It still blows my mind that she even went to jail when all she did was expose crimes by the US government. I mean, it’s not surprising, I just can’t believe she still went to jail for so long even though it was so publicized.

This looks absolutely amazing. I’m not familiar with MM1 but it seems like this one just has a TON more content? This game looks like it could be the best Mario game...ever? Like it just looks incredible there’s so much in there. I was semi-ambivalent about it but this totally sold me. I’m really excited to play all

I’m so looking forward to replaying the series. It’s been a long time. I last played the first one (and maybe second?) in another country 10 years ago in a totally different part of my life. It was so much fun and I barely remember any of the plot so it’s gonna be all new and have that fun nostalgic tinge of

read the first few books years ago, didn’t like them, heard the show was coming out, knew i wouldn’t like it for the same reasons. Now, years later, I finally feel vindicated cuz everyone is complaining about the show. Thank you internet :) end of snark.

this is awesome! I didn’t even know this was in the works. I love the original games - I’ve only played the first 2 and a bit of the third, but they’re so great. A modernized platformer within the awesome world they have and with all the great story telling will hopefully turn out really well.

The trailer was pretty embarrassing on that front. Barrett was terrible then and they shouldn’t be making the same idiotic mistakes. It’s a remake. Remake it.

The original character is NOT the english stereotype. As Gita mentioned in Tim’s FFVII translation videos (which are hilarious, informational, and great) the actual original character just isn’t like that at all. So technically, if you want to stay true to the original character, he should not be playing into that

my takeaways from this great video:

sounds cool and the trailer makes it looker cooler but it has a pretty low Metacritic score for the Switch version compared to other versions. Is the Switch version just worse? cuz i’ve been looking for this kinda game to play but don’t want to get it on Switch if it’s just a bad port.

I agree the raids themselves are a LOT of fun, but the term raiding generally refers to having repeatedly do the same raids over and over to the point of monotony and no challenge just to hopefully get lucky on a % drop. What if every raid boss just dropped the same items and there was no chance? or what if it was

I totally support this. If you want to sell cosmetics, sell cosmetics. There is absolutely no reason to ever use a purchase-able loot box other than to trick people into gambling or gambling-like habits. Some of the % on getting rewards on the loot boxes are absolutely ludicrous.

whoa! Congratz! That’s a long time and a lotta awesomeness! Kotaku is the #1 place I go to read gaming/nerd everything! So much of the internet is toxic and filled with ignorance and bigotry nowadays I’m so glad Kotaku is around to just be a normal healthy intelligent place to read gaming news.

It could be the Dublin office isn’t that big? Riot seems like it’s spread all over the place, the LA walkout had 150 people, so I dunno. 

I really love MOBAs and have probably played a couple thousand hours in them across the board since Warcraft 3 custom maps. However I consistently leave due to the toxicity. It’s just atrocious in those games and as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten less and less interested in dealing with it.

I really like HOTS a lot and

Very awesome! Glad to see steps moving in the right direction in the gaming industry in general, even if it’s one step at a time.

I’d just like to point out to the people making the argument that trans people may have an advantage in gender based competitions - you’re not a doctor? You literally have no clue what you’re talking about, you have no idea how hormone replacement therapy works, you don’t know anything about trans medicine. Why in