
agreed I did love Children of Men! It did still rely a lot on the one dude saves everything narrative BUT the other characters were also all so strong and aided him on his journey it felt more clear it wasn’t just him. Also it’s just a great movie all around. I loved it!

totally agree! It’s particularly bizarre in Fallout since the game has changed so much from its original entries which were so clearly anti-nuke. There’s very little artistic respect in the games world - I imagine it’s because so many people are involved with making one game that ownership is by companies instead of

Great video! 100% agree on the social anxiety stuff. The post-apocalypse thing has been so commercialized I feel like its lost all its teeth as social commentary. I can’t not connect it to movies of the same themes and all the old movies about the potential or real end of the world (Night of the Living Dead, The Day

That game Maneater is coming out soon? too, it looks pretty cool. Kinda looks like Depth with more....depth heh hehhhhhhhhh.

I dunno what is up with people posting responses to articles without reading them on the internet, it’s like a way of life or something. The article says the game was supposed to release on Wii U in early 2017, my guess would be this was all organized prior to the release of Switch. The article says this release never

Yea i’m agreeing with you, I don’t think Steam would put up the money because they’re assholes and they don’t care. People who care see the value in doing it regardless of the cost. Steam does ban people though, it’s banned people for cheats, etc. and those accounts all had games and those people are shit out of luck.

Companies ban people all the time for this sort of stuff. I dunno where the narrative that it doesn’t happen comes from, but it’s not true. STEAM doesn’t seem to do it, but that is not even remotely the norm. Steam is an outlier.

that is actually complete bullshit and yes you can and people do it all the time. Do you...not think people get accounts banned for spreading violent hateful language or ideas? It is extremely common to do that.

Until Steam gives a lifetime ban to the email addresses, IP addresses, etc. being used by these people it’s not enough.

Regular 5v5 map 18-24 minutes, but 24 is kinda long, the game speeds up quick at the end and towers aren’t that hard to bulldoze through. They have a few pretty great non-regular maps - they have a head on 5v5 with no healing, a 3v3, etc. and those are all faster than that.

AoV is surprisingly fun on Switch. It’s simple enough that it’s very easy to casually play, very quick matches, etc. all of which I think lends to the Switch more than PC where there’s more “hardcore” emphasis that fit more with Smite (yea I know all the labels are dumb but it’s fairly true).

ohhhh shit thanks for reminding me of that! I meant to buy it and totally forgot lol

You can’t read.

Lol I’d never complain a game I like sold a lot of copies. But nice assumption internet stranger! The only thing toxic is your general attitude in this conversation.

I’m “targeting” him because this is an article about him. I don’t know why people on the internet seem incapable of comprehending the one conversation is the only time someone has ever written or thought or spoke about anything ever but yes, obviously I’m aware there are people more wealthy than him. That doesn’t mean

There is no fundamental difference between indie and AAA games other than the amount of money put into them. That’s it. Pong is an indie game. Tetris is an indie game. Video games were INVENTED by indie developers. There is no goddamn difference between an indie and AAA game other than money. If you only like video

If you’re somehow trying to imply I know as little about a random stranger as I do about Ninja, a global celebrity whose personal life is written about constantly and literally livestreams the majority of his life online, then yes I am missing your point because your point is wrong.

Imagine if you didn’t assume to know the lives of strangers online.

I understand the difference between an indie game and a AAA game has absolutely nothing to do with what makes video games good as a form of art/media. It’s just the size of the publisher and the amount of money used.

i was using that as one example to show how immorally wealthy he is. My point is he can lose subs - literally anything from 1% to 99% - and still be making more money than the vast majority of people in the US and in the world. He can do that and still give back to his community - as ONE example. Yea if he was funding