
1) is it still generally discussed that the remasters/enhanced editions aren’t actually very good?

I agree. That’s part of why I don’t like marketing. Something I always think about is how humans are very malleable. We can adapt to almost anything and survive, but we’re also easy to exploit. Marketing is such a huge and ingrained part of our society it’s impossible to even begin to examine how deep it goes without

lol yea i remember that! I at least found the tutorial but I must have just forgotten that you could do that....or maybe there was a separate tutorial with shields...or i dunno! the game is so huge I spent the first like 20 hours just climbing mountains. It’s easy to forget combat stuff in it heh. 

i was referring to this stuff in general as I pointed out by referring to the Nintendo Direct as well. The Nintendo Direct is pretty popular, as was the game awards, as is blizzcon, as is a thousand other things that are all drowning in this fake corporate speak. If you want me to reference a study or something, I

It will forever boggle my mind that so many people actually think corporations are the height of societal evolution. Like....can people humans? and not capitalist robots? I guess I like Nintendo Directs more but that’s just cuz they often feature so much breaking news....but they’re just as awkward and

god i really missed the fucking boat on how to fight the guardians. It took me getting to Ganon to figure out you can fuckin reflect shit with your shield. Had no idea you could do that to a guardian til I saw that GIF. I think me playing it over several months for 100 hours, while it was a lotta fun to spread out and

I remember loading it up yesterday and being like “whaaa? wow huh, cool, okay” It’s sorta like, ok a game that actually represents more of the human race that actually exists - surprise, acceptance, and moving on. It is the bare minimum (barely) I mean....the world is pretty fuckin diverse and people who look like me

I think you’re misunderstanding a short written piece on someone’s thoughts about a particular game (the entire point of the Kotaku Game Diary tag as far as I’ve seen) and exaggerating it to something else entirely. This isn’t a game review, it’s a short game diary post. I interpreted it as Gita’s just writing her

despite playing what likely adds up to tens of thousands of hours of gaming I don’t think I’ve ever actually dreamed about a video game. I’ve definitely daydreamed about wouldn’t that bush be a great place to pick some herbs and brew a potion. But my dreams are all super fucking weird and all over the

imagine if fortnite saves nintendo’s online weird and funny.

“This is a good reminder that we only see the sides of performers that they want us to.”

you’ve proven literally nothing. All you’ve done is contradict me. If you think that is proof it only serves as evidence of you acting like a child. Anyway i’m tired of responding to these comments so bye! go pirate it or buy it later or just download another installer and stop being a liar or just don’t play the

good job not reading

omg NOT CHINA!?!?

lol i’m not angry about it. I’m not boycotting. I don’t care. I DO care that hoards of reddit manbabies are allowed to swing their internet dicks around en masse every time their silly little video game desires don’t happen and that they tolerate and/or encourage death threats, hatespeech, doxxing, and harassment and

nope I just care about things that are actually issues in the world. Not reddit crusades.

ok so a bunch of people get it for cheaper and some people get it at regular price? and other people can just wait to get it on steam where it is eventually releasing? games have weird release windows all the time, AAA games often barely even work the first year they’re out. It’s all ridiculous manufactured anger.

This’ll probly blow over like all the other childish bullshit reddit manbabies cry about and they’ll sell a ton of copies if the game is good just like any other game. The literally worst case scenario in this whole thing is you save $10 and click a different desktop icon. Get the fuck over it.

The custom map making is absolutely incredible. I have a bunch of ideas and might actually go make some of them. Is there any issue with copyright with this sorta thing or does that not matter since it’s free and counts as fair use?

I played a match just now and it’s actually pretty fun. I mean yea I guess a lot of it isn’t anything new, but it rides a fun line between overwatch and typical BR games. Having unique characters who have abilities and ultimates that are fun and cool is a good addition. The map layout seems pretty cool. I’ll have to