
thanks Heather! I watched some of your Twitch stream of the game and it made me revisit the demo. To anyone interested who is new to the series (like me): play the demo twice. I was overwhelmed at first with the demo and stopped halfway through, I found the combat confusing and wasn’t understanding some of the

that was a lotta fun to watch, definitely gonna check it out but may stick to getting it on PC due to the controls. As I said in chat - check out Zachtronics games. They make the absolute best thinking puzzle games. I swear their games actually make me smarter. I wonder if they’d ever get ported to Switch....I don’t

As much as I love my Switch it’s pathetic that Nintendo is 1) doing this and 2) thinks people are dumb enough to believe their “it stops cheating” excuse. There is no excuse, they just screwed up.

yea it was used very well. The game is exceptional, there is just so much great stuff in it. I think the length was probably just about perfect, but I really wanted more. It felt like it could have been legit RPG length.

it actually interrupted my Zelda playing as well haha. I found the main story to be not hard, but I also did alllll the side quests, a few of which were BRUTAL. The only content (I think) I didn’t do was GALF which was absolutely hilarious and brilliant that they added it in. I would definitely take a Golf Story 2,

re: Valve and all the conservative bros who comment on any article of cultural critique.


The very idea that people would want women of varying breast size at all is sexist. Breast size has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING. It is purely 100% sexist. The fact that you and so many others can’t recognize that simple fact is ridiculous. If you applied for a job and they asked for dick length, girth, and shape that

I desperately want it on Switch so I can dive in. I’ve watched a couple streams for a short bit of time and it just looks like pure RPG fun and it’s been a while since I’ve had that.

I don’t know if they changed this, but there’s no difference in achievements/rewards/etc by playing an easier difficulty on Into the Breach. I wish there WAS a difference because then there’s no real reward for beating it on the harder I just ended up playing it on easier and it made a significant

I’ve wanted to try Ikaruga just cuz I know it’s supposed to be great and it’s been SO LONG since I played a shooter like that, but I just have so many other games to’s on my Switch wishlist which currently has over 30 games on it so.....yeah heh.

GOLF STORY IS A MASTERPIECE - i know it was very successful but even so it boggles my mind that it’s not consistently on every best Switch game list. Games that are that unique, that good, and that amount of pure fun to play don’t come around very often. I think it’s as good as Zelda or Mario.

I hadn’t bought a

I’m still drowning in Switch games I’ve bought on sale....I’m playing Dead Cells, Resident Evil Revelations, Battle Chef Brigade, Bayonetta 1, Overcooked and still slowly working my way through Zelda BOTW which I’m actually enjoying a lot as a non-marathon game. I have like 8 more Switch indies I’ve gotten half off I

What do people not understand about an individual event being an individual event? Companies can, and do, often host events targeted at specific demographics of people the companies are not doing a good job engaging with. It is a totally normal and healthy thing to do. Feminist organizations hold MENS ONLY groups

I really wanted the exploding megaman death as well. I didn’t get to the boss....because that game is hardddddd (which made it feel the most like old megaman) but that woulda freaked me out too. It’s such a small thing but I LOOOOVED that little door graphic back in the day.

yeah that is a good point. It all does come down to money though, the larger the business, the more money involved, the more people reliant on money, etc. etc. the cycle continues. I would say though that none of those games actually push the envelope of what AAA games are fundamentally. All of those games RPG/Action

that is absolutely bananas, I had no idea lol. Are there regulations around team names at all? Like could you include political messages, or can a corporation just start a team and make their corporate name the team name?

At first I thought “how is that not illegal?” then I thought “wait is that legal in the US? It could be, goddamn everything is messed up” then I read the comments here defending it and I thought “jesus christ men will just not stop being sexist, the world is doomed”

Do you know how team location is chosen? Is it just at the whim of whoever wants to put up the money for it? Are there any rules at all? There’s 2 Los Angeles teams (I think?) is that just because two people from LA wanted to start teams and had a lotta money?

is this how it’s done in all sports?!

I think about mass appeal a lot in games. I see it as a product of capitalist competition and more evidence that capitalism destroys art. In a world where art and media were publicly supported and funded, where they were seen as fundamentally important to humanity, there would be a variety of games that all fall along