
After years of acting in accordance with the nondisclosure agreement, Jonasson filed the claims after the passing of the Speak Out Act in 2022. The law bars any enforcement of nondisclosure agreements in cases of sexual assault and harassment, and California’s AB2777, which temporarily eliminates statutes of

“Getting caught” implies they didn’t want anyone to see it. Filming it implies just the opposite. 

Elsewhere in Umansky’s story, he’s seen dancing to “Jive Talkin’” by the Bee Gees in a flannel shirt. Again, divorced-guy bullshit.

Honestly surprised we haven’t seen more instances of drunk rich people getting caught skiing naked. 

Posting photos with the president while chilling in the White House is the ultimate flex. For all we know Mimi might be happy to be rid of a 7 year relationship with a man who didn’t seem to have a life of his own, but leave it to Jezebel to portray her as some lonely single woman who must somehow get through the

Where are the “normal” conservative politicians?  Because it doesn’t matter what the voters think personally when you keep electing people who WILL enact a nation-wide ban.

Then Biden should say so.

I have no issue with a man stepping aside to let a much more qualified woman speak on an issue that directly impacts women. Joe can cosign what she says, say he supports her enthusiastically, all while amplifying her voice here.

I guess I just don’t see how Joe is being a bad ally here. 

Absolutely this!

On the other hand, putting a male president front and center, giving a robust defense of women’s rights sends a powerful message to men about their need to step up and be allies. By making it just Kamala, you risk the perception that you’re “sending the girl to deal with girl things.” Men tune that shit out in .2

This just seems like smart politics to me.   Sending out a woman to be the countering face to the Republicans’ Old White Men Preaching About Abortion At Us is a no-brainer.

That’s because a lot of men still don’t think of abortion as their problem, regardless of their political affiliation. When I worked in DC, hundreds of so-called liberal and feminist men had no qualms saying that abortion was strictly a women’s issue, not a health issue, and that “it’s not as important as housing or

I’ve heard secondhand from people who were in the courtroom following the case argue that the media was omitting certain details of the trial to paint Majors in a worse light. And I do think there’s something to be said about which details made the headlines and which were quietly buried on the fourth paragraph, if

In terms of legal consequences, you’re probably right. However the impact on his career is clearly much farther reaching. It’s possible that it’ll recover in a few years, but the turn in his fortunes has been rather staggering. I’m sure he’s raging against Jabbari for what she’s “cost him,” but he has no one to blame

The whole scandal has since unearthed numerous horny Instagram stories purportedly from Maese-Czeropski, including some in which he lusts over... Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC),

I’m sorry, are you equating dressing poorly and January 6th? In what universe?

Justice was served.  

When people inevitably try to tell you that this was worse than January 6 just remind them that this twink was entered with permission; on January 6, the Capitol was not.

Jeez, why can’t you just go and do it like the rest of the lap of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial?

Don’t choke on your pearl necklace.