
Same in MN. It’s one of the reasons why, despite our mask mandates, we still have one of the highest COVID-19 growth rates in the nation. Fucking rednecks ruin it for everyone.

I have volunteered multiple times to sign my partner up for the Vaccine Connector and schedule an app’t for him, but he is adamant that he’ll take care of it himself. It’s been 3 months and.......

I’m trying to convince my partner to sign up for the vaccine notification emails (he’s in his early 50's and MN has had vax-for-all over 18 since March 30) but he hasn’t.

It’s entirely subjective, for sure, but I believe Beyonce is pretty talented and lacks the utter foolishness of the K.

This reminds me a bit of when Beyonce’s team reacted unfavorably over photos published of her performing at the SuperBowl.

Let’s just lock the vegan, the carnivore, and the cross-fitter in a room and not let them out.

We’ll see how good an attorney Keith Ellison really is. So far, I think the prosecution is doing all right but it is their show right now. I don’t know how well they did in the jury selection portion.

Holy crap, I did not realize kloo-AY was that tall!

I think Chauvin will be convicted and maybe 1-2 of the other cops. Not the one who just started working with Chauvin, though.

He’s already getting special treatment.

He did offer to plead guilty to 3rd degree murder, but then-Attorney General Bill Barr rejected it.

Because fighting against armed, scared police always works so well, right?

I wasn’t aware of this until yesterday, but there are greater penalties in MN for committing a felony in front of a minor.

My rehab experience was much different than yours. It was net positive: they had us doing yoga with someone who was ‘sober’ but not a 12-stepper. There was a lot of 12-stepping, but my counselors did a great job uncovering root causes of our self-harm. It was only the first step, though, in my recovery.

As an alcoholic who definitively has the addictive streak, I 100% agree that destigmatization and legalization is hugely important. I also agree that many, many people can use drugs non-addictively.

Thank you for the explainer. I appreciate it. I see from the Axios link that the Legislature has a bill under consideration to fix the current legislation.  I’ll be emailing my Reps.

If she said she didn’t want to have sex, and he continued, how is that not sexual assault?

They all look amazing. Regina King is next level beautiful.

It’s time for her to go on Red Table Talk to be rehabilitated. Maybe she can have a 3-some with Gammy.

Wait - who’s your favorite Australian?