
There should be an entire chapter devoted to men who sound like they’re crying when they sing. Robert Smith excluded.

I believe Josh went to the Women’s March in 2016. It says volumes that Jarvanka were not invited to their wedding.

Totally not the point, but why $70K? Did this idiot buy a new pickup or something?

This is terrifying. These high-on-the-smell-of-their-own-farts mouseketeers are going to get someone killed.

Sounds like someone’s browser history needs to be examined. I don’t usually want people to get fired, but some assholes should probably get fired for this.

if (very big if) the rumor about KW & Jeffree Star was true, that would be right in line with Kanye being a self-hating black/queer man.

I still remember this fucker on a major news network (CNN?) telling the interviewer that feelings were as valid as facts.

This is my parents - except my mom was bipolar (and a narcissist). They loved each other dearly and that caused years of emotional abuse. They were truly happy with each other, but I often felt I was on the outside and not even a significant part of their relationship. Growing up this way is hard and I hope KK and her

Ugh. What a piece of racist shit. That’s not even dog-whistling. 

If DJ Tanner wants to join Mike Seaver in his mask-less caroling madness, we can rightly scorn and scoff. But that pic is pretty small potatoes, even in the scheme of celebrity gossip. Also, Disney villain is totally a compliment.

I hope tonight doesn’t become the precursor to a civil war. I don’t think it will, but 45 and his merry band of kooks have proven themselves time and again that they’re too stupid to know better.

He’s like a white Wilmer Valderrama. 

another commenter mentioned that Alec had a thing for Salma Hayek, who turned him down. And, lo and behold, a magical Spanish-accented woman appeared!

Why didn’t she already know how to use a can opener? Do they not have milk and cereal in the house and does she not know how to combine those?

It is awkward and embarrassing and 100% self-inflicted, on Hilaria’s part. 

“I got re-elected, and he didn’t, so who gives a shit?”

She looked pained. It’s weird how unhappy she seemed.

Harron, I think you’re lovely and it’s crap that your coming-out was traumatic.

I’m sick of people disregarding the CDC to be selfish assholes.

I enjoy your column, hope you stick around or go onto better things. ‘Help other people, where you can’ is such a simple phrase, that I wish I did more of. Thanks for the reminder.