
So, is the organizer going to face any fines? 

I have no problems believing the Jez writers get disturbing death threats, because the internet in 2020...but yeah.

Some activists do want absolute abolishment (Melina Abdullah springs to mind).

When I hear ‘defund’ it says to me zero dollars whatsoever toward policing because ‘defund’ has been sloganed by anti-choice nutjobs to mean that organizations like Planned Parenthood must close and receive no federal funding for anything, ever.

You can’t really underestimate people’s slavish devotion to their lifestyles, however. Health is esoteric (until it isn’t) for most reasonably healthy, able-bodied folks.

Where I work (essential manufacturing), they are paying us at 100% pay if we are exposed to the virus, need to get a COVID-19 test, caring for someone in our household with COVID-19, and/or test positive for COVID-19. That leave doesn’t come from our vacation or paid sick leave. They are offering us flexible work

We have come a long way from making fun of Chaz Bono (I know some people have not). I’m so happy for him!

greatest country in the world for white, hetero, cisgendered males, most likely.

I just don’t know what to say about this anymore. The collective selfishness of the American people is breathtaking in its cruelty.

I would feel bad for these people, but

I will be excited, right along with you. My first vote for President was for Bill Clinton in 1996. My mom was overjoyed to take me to meet Geraldine Ferraro when I was in elementary school, after she and Mondale lost the election. As a middle-aged, dark-skinned Indian woman, I still get thrilled when the messenger is

I’ve never had any use for the Delevingne sisters. They just seem tedious.

I’m so sorry. Hopefully you have access to disinfectant and can afford delivery services.

That was Megan Thee Stallion - you can continue feeling sympathy for her!

You know, it would be a hell of a thing if everyone that flouted COVID restrictions on social media were fined according to their income.

Maybe they could do some creative work with prosthetics? 

It seems most people don’t want to know that testing negative isn’t a magical ‘get out of quarantine free’ card. If you’re exposed, you gotta quarantine for 14 days from your last exposure, regardless of your results. You can still test positive later!

I’m trying to understand the level of self-centeredness it takes that CardiB believes she should be tested four times per week (and everyone around her!), just so she doesn’t have to change her lifestyle one iota.

I just am trying to think who can do Obama’s voice without it getting into parody territory. No names are springing to mind.

Michael B. Jordan’s a better choice, Obama. Dude hasn’t been creeping on teenagers.