
I have served on exactly one jury. It was fascinating. I’m lucky that my job covers ten days of paid jury duty service and that the county supplies free bus passes if you take public transit.

I fully intend to live apart from my husband. My bf has a lovely house on a lake. I have a lovely house in the city. Neither one of us can see selling, at this point, as both places offer their unique charms. I do want to marry him, however. For sure, we each have a healthy income and could afford a pretty nice home

I much prefer ‘Harmegheddon’ to ‘Megxit’ and ‘AMarklelypse’, as it puts ownership for the decision on both parties.

I support her right to declare her intentions, but I sure am not going to support her candidacy.

I find all my low to mid rise jeans on eBay. I am 5’2” with a butt and a gut. High rise pants look ridiculous on me. 

1) 5+ years is still a pretty long relationship, no matter how they met

This was my (current) boyfriend, many years ago. Now he’s 50 and had to go home, put on flannel pjs, and get under a fleece blanket because he stupidly chose to wear jeans with a hole in the knee while walking the dog in 8 degree weather. 

Being the Social Media Editor for this batch of indomitable harpies seems like it would be a tough gig. Though I’m not super familiar with Ecleen’s work, it seems she was far too kind to put up with this dumpster fire of corporate overlords. Best of luck, Ecleen!

I agree with you re: Hiddleston and feel similarly about Harry Styles.

The fawning over this guy on Jez makes me feel like I’m too old for this website. It was bound to happen sometime!

This is serial monogamy on steroids.

This is horrible and I’m so sad that you had to go through that. Hopefully you have found a healthy sense-of-self and peace of mind now.

This is who Republicans see as the party’s standard-bearer in 2024?

AND now I want to see this movie.

Bill Hader always looks a bit awkward and stiff to me, I don’t think it’s anything to do with Rachel Bilson. Bilson seems like an exceedingly waifish, tiny person. They are definitely cute together.

This happened in the ELCA Lutheran church as well. My aunt (a minister) had to leave for a new church, because her church didn’t want to follow the ELCA rules allowing for same-sex marriage, etc. My aunt, who unconditionally loves and supports her bisexual daughter, was not having it and found a new church.

I guess my question was more in terms of why Jesus was needed, from a functional perspective. Is God’s EQ so small that he had to send his ‘son’ to identify with his creation? I understand the difference between gospel Jesus and Evangelical Jesus. Thank you for the insight about the gospel’s authors, that was

this actually makes some kind of sense, but the idea (as an atheist, it’s an idea to me) of believing in a creator so fundamentally flawed is bizarre to me. 

It is probably at least partially exaggerated, but I’ve no doubt that she fired someone for not laughing that she put them in a dangerous situation.

Sharon Osbourne sounds like a nightmare person.