
Mr. Trump complained, according to the book, that his children “didn’t know how to play the game” and generated cycles of bad press.

I just watched DS Troy’s last episode, so I have a ways to go. I love the goofy clarinet & theremin music. I also am a L&O fan, however, I have seen every episode too many times.

I’ve definitely switched over to watching Midsomer Murders, which is equally ridiculous, but it’s a soothing balm to my overstimulated soul.

but the booksmart (me) would not have an apostrophe in As and Fs.

My mom bugged my dad to go to the doctor for an x-ray after he hadn’t been well for awhile. Well. The doctor saw a shadow on dad’s x-ray which turned out to be a pancreatic tumor. It apparently had been causing his flu-like symptoms. So you just don’t know.

Good god, political posturing is exhausting and cynical. 

makes cartoon versions of hijabi women for use in #resistance posters and has to struggle with the thoughts and expressions of real ones.

My (internal) response to my employer when they try to push me on HSA every fucking year is to tell them to fuck off.

I fucking love her. I’m debating shelling out 3X face value for tickets to her show on Stubhub. That show sold out faster than Michelle Obama tickets. (Of course, Lizzo’s in a smaller venue.)

What has helped me is prepping fresh fruit or veggies in small, 1-cup glass containers or jars in the refrigerator that can be easily eaten.

That entire article was actually a good read. Thanks for providing more context.

He didn’t need this signal boost. We already knew he was a lying liar who lies, he didn’t need the air time to tell us that. That’s what the trial is for.

As someone in recovery for 14 years who’s been on multiple dating sites, if you are ooky about it, just swipe left. 

Good to know. I bought it after some PTSD-inducing stuff in my past and haven’t read it yet. Thanks for the warning.

This is getting real fucked up real quick. Why is Sanchez’s brother doing any of this?

I’ve never been a Jonas Brothers fan, but that was pretty catchy.

Congratulations! I’m also in recovery and it’s amazing the things that can happen when we’re not using. ❤️

That is terrifying and I’m glad it ended well for you. 

Why would HRC call Bernie Sanders or vice versa? They have no reason to have anything other than a cordial relationship. If Sanders becomes the Democratic nominee for President, I assume HRC will support him in whatever way her focus groups see fit.

I googled GMG UNION & saw it on Twitter. :)