
On a semi-related note: in MN vernacular, a binder is a hair tie. If it was a hair tie, that’s quite different.

Throwing things in a professional setting is b.s. I have called out employees who did the exact same thing (threw something, didn’t aim it at someone, but it hit them anyway) at my place of work.

Did all those concern trolls give Chance the Rapper a hard time for having a kid so early in his career too?

Now that you bring up Christpoher Guest - is this a movie of his yet? Because it should be.

This comment section is amazingly tone-deaf. At least it’s (mostly) not regular commenters making this shit for brains arguments. 

I’ve always used Valentine’s Day to celebrate love. When I was single, I still bought my parents Valentine’s day cards. I bought my partner’s son chocolates with caramel this year. Holidays are what you make of them. If you hate them, fine, but don’t @ me for enjoying the day.

They found some dude in a bar who refused to be identified and he said Smollett was lying. How credible!

We GenXers should just change our name to the Forgotten Generation. It’s always Boomers and Millennials stealing our damn thunder. I want my chance to be blamed for everything, dagnabit!

You’ve never had a skirt that short? I have a few and I find it unnerving to sit down in them, much less use public transit. 

I’m not familiar with him, but a quick Google search makes him seem delightful!

Nah, he’ll probably be the party’s nominee.

I really can’t bring myself to feel badly for Wolkoff, however. At all.

I really didn’t like him before. I didn’t enjoy his role in Guardians or Jurassic Park. He just seemed like a dudebro who got ripped.

Still angry Sam Bee apologized.

I think she’d make a great VP candidate. Not sure about President.

And once again, it falls to POC to explain why it’s wrong (in this article.) Props to you, Prachi, for doing so clearly and eloquently. But I resent bearing the burden of explaining racism to people who should fucking know better.

Bridget McCain was adopted from Bangladesh, so this is extra shitty.

I don’t think seeing a marriage counselor is a poor decision. They are both young and seem to want to learn good habits and unlearn bad habits w/r/t relationships. I think the evangelical Christian thing is far weirder than seeing a marriage counselor, but I’m firmly agnostic, so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am friends with someone who used to work for her and hated it. So - there’s anonymous (and sourced, for me personally) anecdotes that people don’t like working for her but then again, there’s people willing to go on the record who enjoy it. I have also heard that VEEP is partially based on her (from the same person

I have my doubts that someone as progressive as many commenters on GMG seem to be will have broad appeal, though I wish it were otherwise. Warren’s definitely been working on being the democratic nominee since November 2016, but she’s made some missteps.