
Maybe they were expecting Black-Eyed Peas Fergie and someone’s wires got crossed.

My favorite morning routine is the weekends, when I wake up at 7:30 or 8. I leisurely drink some coffee and then when I feel like it, make breakfast. Weekend breakfast is usually bacon, eggs, and pancakes or bacon and french toast.

OMG being related by marriage to the Orange Menace is a leetle too close for comfort. I hope they never have to see him.

I always found it annoying how the women are so much savvier than the men on the show, even though they’re geniuses as well. Edited for clarity: Annoyed with the male characters, to be clear.

Oh god. John Stamos IS icky. I should never have read that.

My partner bought his first box of Kleenex last weekend at my insistence. Because “real men” use paper towels and toilet paper, apparently.

Meh. There are people that can do this with relatively few consequences. I’m not one of them. In fact, I find it difficult to even be friends with exes (without a decent period of little to no interaction.) To each their own.

Channing Tatum is the better actor, but he also probably has had more coaching than she has. I think Jenna Dewan is a better dancer and also more attractive. 

Exactly. Performatively embracing diversity is something we're good at. Desegregation and combatting income inequality? Not so much. 

I was trying to parse the emoji in Amber Rose’s Insta and then I realized what my life had been reduced to. 🤣

It's actually been shut down by the city following this incident. Minnesota performatively embraces diversity very well. 

Hey, I thought it was a good reaction gif! :)

Sidenote: this gif also applies to anyone still convinced she’s just ‘trapped’ and needs to be ‘freed.’

I wish this had been available in 2006 to people my age, maybe I could’ve saved myself from the yearly HPV exams and biannual coloposcopies.

She will not roll in dead fish. She is a smart girl.

WTF BOBBY! I can’t believe you left & I was elated to see all your wedding pics on Instagram this weekend.

Atomic Blonde is better than many of the Bond films. Charlize Theron is fucking bananas and amazing to watch. I’d rather watch her than Sean Connery any day of the week. (I know he’s considered a sex symbol for his time, but ew)

I love this feature, Hazel, and will miss it (much more than BBT) when it’s gone. Feel free to do this with any show that claims to be on its last season.