Unfortunately there appear to be a few of them already in this thread.
Unfortunately there appear to be a few of them already in this thread.
As a young person did you ever refer to a creepy adult man as a “pedo”? If so, what were you inferring? I get that different places use the same word to have different meanings, but Musk’s own definition spells it out.
As a young person did you ever refer to a creepy adult man as a “pedo”? If so, what were you inferring? I get that different places use the same word to have different meanings, but Musk’s own definition spells it out.
Never been snuck up on by a Prius? There are plenty of vehicles already that are incredibly quiet.
I mean, if you still own the shares odds are now better that they may be worth a few dollars instead of fractions of pennies in the future. But agreed, what a disaster.
I don’t need a headphone jack at this point, but totally agree that the back of the phone should be flat just like the front.
Sorry, but no. I’m dutch and it’s very slightly above average.
I mean, you’re not that tall and the bike looks tiny. As a person of the same height I’m not paying $30k to look like a bear on a tricycle.
I disagree that people have the right to be inconsiderate of the people around them because there is a very small chance that a mass shooting could happen. I’m not trying to discount mass shootings, but that has almost nothing to do with the above article.
Sorry but I don’t accept that as the common sense answer on this one.
Unfortunately the comments below yours seem to indicate that many atheists do in fact care what he believes. In my experience this is common, atheists argue that they don’t care but then will spend significant amounts of time trying to convince (or shame as this article is doing) a person of faith into changing their…
When it stopped moving it happened to be on someone’s lawn?
That bothered you more than this?
I’m 35, male, and finally watched it like 3 years ago. It’s fine, but if you pay attention to pop culture you know what you need to without actually watching it.
Go visit a few national parks and learn to enjoy the beauty of undeveloped land. They were doing the world a favor.
They do realize that Chrome is an app that allows you to arrange the delivery of weed, right?
Go on Rotten Tomatoes and read the audience reviews for Captain Marvel, a lot of them just flat out say things like “I don’t like her politics, one star”.
I saw him and immediately decided there was no way it was him because I can’t stand the guy, he’s insufferable and now has something new to toot his own horn about.
I mean, you did respond so... But I wasn’t trying to troll anyone, my point is only that this device is not an improvement over what you can get for less money.