It’s pretty weird for him to refer to underage girls’ bodies as a “substance,” but my thoughts and prayers are with him in this trying time.
It’s pretty weird for him to refer to underage girls’ bodies as a “substance,” but my thoughts and prayers are with him in this trying time.
Crazy call. Even Nantz and Romo thought the review was a formality.
I am online reading the Pittsburgh Post Gazette because there is a side of me that belongs locked in an attic.
Why don’t all of the players on teams with 3 or fewer wins just quit for the season right now?
Well, we know where you stand politically. Please keep the takes coming though, I want to know what other personal issues you have with people you’ve never met.
Is it really that surprising that someone frustrated with a bad team would not be willing to injure himself and potentially end his career for a losing season, but would sing a different tune for a team with legit SB hopes?
1. This is a sports story.
I have no problem at all with anything Felger said except the word “deserved”. Especially now there’s video proof.
If it makes you feel any better, just remember that this is what their lives have come to. Look at these people for what they are. Old, angry, most likely forced into retiring early, and ignorant. They’ll never change. This is what the rest of their miserable lives will look like. The two of them, sitting around,…
you’re fun
An elderly Jewish woman wins the state lottery, $100 million. And during her press conference, she says she intends to give most of it away. “$40 million to B’nai B’rith, $30 million to Hadassah, and $10 million to the Nazi party in Germany.” The reporters can’t believe what they just heard. One asks, “Did you say…
Ugh, can we not? There is no backlash. There are always a few idiots with a dumb “This is offensive!” take on something not offensive, and for some reason, the media likes to scour the internet for this tiny minority, amplify their platform, and make every liberal look like an idiot crybaby. Buzzfeed does it all the…
In the case of the passage cited in the article, maybe shipping grain overseas isn’t the panacea people think it is,
+1 (hour spent on 95/1/128 without moving WHATTHEFUCK!)
People who decide to drive in Boston are idiots who get what they asked for. I live in Boston and haven’t driven a car in 10 years and am happier, healthier and richer because of it.
Your team is owned by a man who is buried so deep in the Presidents bucket of extra crispy that he was named ambassador to the United Kingdom.
Just remember, the average Patriots fan is always angry because he spends 25 hours a day stuck in traffic because the Massachusetts driving test consists of spelling your name 90% correct and not leaving a condensation circle from your Narragansett pounder on the form.
It makes me absurdly happy reading those chortling texts between Drew and the other Deadspin writers about the early parts of that game. I shouldn’t take so much pleasure in that, but fuck it.
Is that seriously your take on this?
I can’t fault CNN for this one. If this is the “official” communication tool they use internally there, it is easy to argue that it was negligent not to do this sooner. What if a coworker was sexually harassing another coworker through DM and there was nothing CNN could do to pull the records? People would be…