Travis of the Cosmos

Jesus: Tim, when I said, “Follow me,” I didn’t mean “Get cut as much as possible.”

I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

TIL that a lot of people are completely unaware of what teal is

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

Right. Trump still won’t do any work and turn the reigns over to the R establishment to do whatever they want in the Sen and House and he’ll just sign whatever they out in front of him.


You know Mike Pence is doing the Mr. Burns pointy fingers thing right now.

Pence will grab you by the pussy in an entirely different way.

President Pence is a far more terrifying prospect.

God save us from President Pence.

That is the face of a man who did not see this coming.

He does not look comfortable or happy.

If only there was some magical way for you not to read the articles you aren’t interested in.

In fairness, he did embrace an untouchable.

No idea!

-San Diego Chargers.

I too would nut to see Tiffany’s ballot box

Tiffany is the Meg Griffin of the Trumps.

Maybe Jar Jar Binks really did get a birthday card from the Emporer.

I’m going to rant, pointlessly, in the greys. Do you hate the system? Do you want to change things? Then get involved in local government. Hell, get involved with the party you most agree with, and change it. Don’t make a vague plan to vote for the perfect thing that will be just the best, once you come up with it.