Travis of the Cosmos

Makes sense. I guess if that weren’t the case, anyone who could outrun a police officer would never have to pay a fine.

Not according to Google Maps.

There’s a very convenient video embedded in the article with a clear view of the street.

Nope. It’s not a crime. It’s a civil offense.

Looks like Michigan does not have a stop-and-identify law.

In a lot of states (or at least the one I live in), police can’t invoke probable cause for a civil infraction; only a criminal one. So she may not have broken any laws at least until she refused to identify herself.

Just curious, is there a plausible explanation for why the dashcam footage starts halfway through the stop? Presumably the camera was on before that and would contain footage of the jogger running, and possibly even being accosted.

Southie is an embarrassingly-named place, not a category of person.

Or the centaur portraits.

You’d be surprised how many famous people don’t take that route.


The last time they tried this, it was a huge disaster that pretty much directly led to Square shuttering their US operations and being forced to merge with Enix. And that was before they forgot how to design and release games at a sustainable pace. I’m sure this will go great!

I mean, it’s classic con artist behavior. Except you’re supposed to take their money and bail before the whole thing falls apart.

Say what you will about Donald Trump—and there’s a lot to say, little of it good—he’s the complete opposite of inept. He’s an incredibly gifted charlatan. That spiel last night where he justified keeping his brownshirt campaign manager on staff and told a cheering crowd, “I don’t discard people.” If I could manipulate

They’re not etymologically dissimilar—the “kake” is comprised of the same characters (掛け) and they’re both named for the act of sprinkling or pouring. Apparently, “bukkake” originally referred to a dish created by pouring broth over something. (Eww.)

He looks like one of those little Men in Black aliens sheltered inside a giant human suit, fiddling with levers, desperate to convincingly pass as one of us.

I didn’t notice this response in my first pass through the comments because it wasn’t sexual in nature.

Those airbags play for the other team. Maybe that makes them Japanese or something in this analogy I’m torturing right now?

They may be our Brothers in Arms, but football players can’t be good at everything. Society depends on people from every Walk of Life. It doesn’t take Private Investigations to see that Okung’s vision is So Far Away from reality.

To be fair, they aren’t standing up for her to protect her. (And honestly, while I disagree with about 90% of what comes out of her mouth, everything I’ve ever seen about Megyn Kelly makes me think she’s quite capable of taking care of herself, thank you very much.) This is just another attempt on Fox’s part to steer