Travis of the Cosmos

The Patriots offense was never so deadly as when Gronkowski and Hernandez were both receiving threats

Attentive Pats fans will have seen this coming for a while. I’m sure there will be dozens of embarrassing takes on synthetic weed over the next few days (maybe with some sublime Spygate/Ballghazi tie-in angle for extra credit), but this wasn’t about that, or even about Chandler Jones at all.

These are all fair points, and I’d certainly never do this to someone, no matter how much they might deserve it. But I still think the blame for this incident lies mostly with the guy who got brake-checked. In addition to being really rude, it’s reckless to ever put yourself in a position where the laws of physics can

The point isn’t to cause an accident. The point is to get the asshole tailgating you to realize that their conduct is dangerous, and to hopefully scare them (at least temporarily) into being a bit less of an asshole.

This seems like a compelling argument for brake-checking. The asshole driver (in an SUV, no less) got what he deserved, no one else was impacted, and it doesn’t look like anyone got seriously hurt.

It depends. If I’m already going almost 80 and some jackass is tailgating me at that speed, he can go to hell. If I’m not allowed to drive 90 and risk a $400 speeding ticket, neither is he.

Please tell me you’re trolling. If not, the fact that the entire Internet is telling you you’re wrong should probably give you pause.

But how do you get from there to “let’s blame random Nintendo employee”?

All you really need to take away from stories like this is that the so-called “gamer community” is rife with not-particularly-bright psychopaths.

Nintendo is a big company, and localizing games costs money. A lot of money. If Nintendo were less concerned about keeping its customer base wide, a lot of these games likely wouldn’t get localized at all, and the first ones to get the axe would be the ones you likely care about most: Japanese-style titles like Fire

And they’re doing it by trying to get her in trouble for a paper she wrote five years ago, in which she apparently defends the rights of other cultures to publish content that other countries see as taboo. We’re obviously dealing with a bunch of rocket surgeons here.

Wait, hold on. They’re upset at her for allegedly censoring Nintendo games (presumably to scrub them of sexualized content), and then they attack her by citing a paper she wrote defending free speech rights? As the article says, this is a complicated and nuanced issue, but you don’t need to apply any of that nuance to

Yes. The numbers indicate that the air pressure drop can be explained entirely by environmental factors. Basically every physics and engineering professor in the country has weighed in on this by now. There’s no evidence that a crime even occurred. There’s a legal principle called corpus delicti, which basically says

Well great, I’m sure everyone will rest easier tonight now that you’ve gone public with your opinion of Tom Brady. Thank you for your towering rhetorical contribution.

There are probably a number of other rules that NFL lawyers could argue apply to Brady’s conduct—some with very ambiguous penalties. The problem here is that the NFL and the NFLPA have a contract (the CBA) that pretty clearly says Roger Goodell gets to be judge, jury, executioner and appellate judge in disciplinary

But he doesn’t have to understand anything about physics. (Anyone who looks at the numbers and concludes that tampering occurred is scientifically incompetent.) A lot of judges are surprisingly ignorant of matters outside of their field—there’s one idiot in east Texas who pretty much singlehandedly sustains the IT

For any team owned by Steve Ballmer, introducing another mascot is a completely futile exercise.

Do you mean Pepto? Maalox is whiter than Steve Ballmer.

To be fair, I always enjoyed the cooking columns too.

This is amazing and I can’t believe they used to make you write cooking columns.