Travis of the Cosmos

Not really. You have to fuck it four times a year. The question doesn’t prohibit extracurricular goat-fucking.

Honestly, I’ve seen people do a whole lot worse for love.


There’s a lot of buzz among Patriots fans that Mayo might stay on as a coach. He’s always been known as a really smart player, and the Pats have a vacancy at linebackers coach, having let Patrick Graham walk. Could certainly be wishful thinking, but Belichick has employed former players there before (Pepper Johnson

How much of this article did you read? I’m putting the over-under at 2.5 sentences.

Your beloved alma mater is hardly the first college athletics department to be “put on blast” for sexual misconduct.

Talk about bad life decisions leading to predictable conclusions...

I mean, it’s about the same length and price as a Blu-Ray movie. Doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

Maybe. Drew posted a column today taking Peyton to task for his “we had some problems in protection” line about a decade ago (which was a pretty big deal at the time), and Manningface is a well-known phenomenon. It’s also easy to forget that for much of his career, Peyton was known as a choker who crumbled under

I don’t see why it’s necessary to subject the losing team to this right after the game. Let them do a conference call the next day or something, after they’ve composed themselves. And it definitely shouldn’t be happening in the same room as the winning team’s conferences.

It’s transitive butthurt. The rest of the league is constantly butthurt at the Patriots—I mean, they’re losing their first-round pick this year because everyone in the league office failed seventh-grade science class—and yes, some of it rubs off.

It’s cute how the bill explicitly excludes sporting events: the one form of cooperation that might actually occur.

I think the implication of your post was pretty clear. Here, I’ll quote it for you:

You certainly have an interesting and carefully-curated collection of cherry-picked numbers. I’m sure you did all this research yourself, and these assertions in no way reflect widely-distributed NRA talking points, right?

This is what I mean. Your wrapping the same clichés in dumb jokes doesn’t make them more clever. Re: Chicago, it’s a city. In Illinois. If you’re talking about their gun ban, and you don’t understand why a municipal gun ban does no good when anyone can drive 10 minutes to the next county and buy whatever they want

I don’t think there’s a single American citizen whose life is made safer by owning a gun.

Where do you morons all come from? First we get people who can’t tell the difference between guns and rocks, and now you’re conflating the US with El Salvador. Would you know your ass from a hole in the ground?

If someone needs to explain the difference between a gun and a rock to you, you’re too stupid to be trusted with either.

Just because you know how to test for inequality in C doesn’t mean you have any idea what you’re talking about. You just want everyone to keep buying bigger and bigger guns, to deter the people with slightly smaller guns? You think that’s a plan that will end well?

Mostly for stupid people. I don’t have to have owned a gun to understand math.