I didn’t say crazy. I said stupid. There’s a difference.
I didn’t say crazy. I said stupid. There’s a difference.
Yes, my mind is firmly made up that you’re all idiots. If someone needs to explain the difference between cars and guns to you, it’s going to have to be someone with a lot more patience than I have.
Still really fucking high, actually.
In order to assert what you’re asserting, you have to be ignorant of so much that arguing with you would be like shouting at a wall. If you don’t understand enough about public policy to grasp how proposed gun safety laws are intended to work, or understand the economic effects that a ban would have, then what’s the…
You are stupid. Please don’t reproduce.
Never mind that. Isn’t even brandishing it in a threatening manner illegal?
Speaking of territories that slowly shift, go play The Witness. Most brilliantly conceived game I’ve played in years.
Look, I’m all for due process and the rule of law and all that bullshit, but if we just locked this asshole up now, we’d save everyone a lot of trouble, and there’s no chance he’s not going to end up in prison anyway.
Elway is also famous for being an incredibly competitive son of a bitch. If Manning wins, he might not bring him back just so he doesn’t have to worry about someone else bringing as many titles to Denver as he did.
Vollmer is usually really good, and he’s been playing through injuries. Their starting left tackle went on IR halfway through the season. Their center is solid, and they have a couple of decent young guards, but one of them is hurt as well. The other two guys they started, and the ones they rotated in, are terrible.…
They were lining up extra TE’s and even a sixth lineman at one point. It didn’t help. The offensive line just straight-up got beat.
It’s a numbers thing. You can’t afford to blitz him, because he’ll pick you apart with short passes. The blueprint that’s worked has been to rush 3 or 4, and drop everyone else back into coverage, so he can’t dump the ball off that quickly. But there are five offensive linemen, which means you need seriously…
It is intentional; it was alluded to in a recent blog post on the official site.
Greed? The dude made millions on Braid, and by most accounts, reinvested almost all of it into making The Witness. It went years over-budget and kept some very talented people employed, because he refused to release it until it was perfect. And if you’ve ever read anything about Jon Blow, you know that he’s not going…
Note the scare quotes around “likely.”
Anyone who’s actually driven through Massachusetts knows that the less time the State Police actually spend doing their jobs, the better off the rest of us are.
As a resident Masshole, I think this is a perfect use of State Police time, as their primary responsibilities are administering driving tests and laying speed traps on the state’s highways.
There’s something delightfully meta about complaining about Pats fans complaining that so many people complain about them.
the Pats*
I’m pretty sure they’ve known since a few days after last year’s AFC Championship that they were sitting on a load of horseshit. It’s one thing to not know about the ideal gas law off the top of your head, but anyone with half a brain and 15 minutes on Wikipedia could have figured it out afterwards. (We’re padding to…