Hey Andy, shouldn’t you be preparing for the scouting combine or something?
Hey Andy, shouldn’t you be preparing for the scouting combine or something?
Explain it to him in terms of Oreos. Then he’ll get it.
To be fair, this whole article is “the ultra common Reid take.”
Stupid people say stupid shit on Twitter. News at 11.
He probably did mention it like five months ago in training camp. It’s easy to recall little details like that and make yourself feel smart, even if they’re not all that closely related to more current events.
Is he sure it’s Stage IV? Or is it really Stage II and he’s acting on a confidential tip from Mike Kensil?
I think everyone is grossly overestimating how much the average person cares about the long-term welfare of pro athletes. The players themselves clearly know the risks and have decided they’re an acceptable price to pay for wealth and fame. Most of us laypeople would make the same choice, given the opportunity.
Deion’s always had a great relationship with the media.
I could see it being an issue with the nature of the contact between your foot and the ball. I’d imagine you want that period of contact to be as short as possible, and in a very specific direction—i.e. towards the plane of the end line. (Your leg doesn’t move in a straight line; the kicker needs to kick the ball…
Deion was initially defending him on NFL Network last night. He was such a transcendent athlete—and has such an effusive personality—that it’s easy to forget he’s a fucking moron.
The audio isn’t even edited. It’s the soundtrack from one of the trailers, start to finish.
So why is this a big deal again?
It’s already arguably encouraging copycat behavior. When the feds backed down on Papa Bundy a year or two ago, that virtually guaranteed we’d get here sooner or later. I just figured the apple would roll a little bit farther away from the tree.
I hear he has a daughter with even worse music; they could try her.
They’re loitering with guns. Guns that, as you mentioned, they’re deliberately leveraging to gain attention and/or respect. If we’re going to let everything with a pulse walk around armed, we at least need to discourage this kind of behavior, or we’ll end up living out the season finale of South Park.
In the abstract, I agree with you. I’d much rather no one use PED’s and games be fair. The problem is, we don’t know who used; we only know who was dumb enough to get caught. And there are huge incentives to using (provided you don’t get caught), especially if you think everyone else is. I don’t think I’m making a big…
To be fair, he’s not much better once you move the camera back either.
I wasn’t playing the race card. It was one possible example of many. There’s also the Black Sox scandal, spitballs, greenies, Pete Rose, pine tar, replacement players, corked bats, Ty Cobb, the dead ball era, the strike-shortened 1994 season, Eddie Gaedel, the massive payroll disparity... Baseball’s history is…
You can’t separate sports from their historical context. Yes, people used steroids and that might have tilted the playing field a bit. The playing field was tilted in favor of all those white guys in the days before Jackie Robinson, too. And we’ll never know for sure who was using in the 90’s. Either you accept it as…