Anything with 20 stars and 48 responses is bound to be gold.
Anything with 20 stars and 48 responses is bound to be gold.
It certainly was a careless and mean thing to do. Whoever did it probably was just looking to steal a game console and didn’t envision ruining some kid’s Christmas. But even if they did, that’s a little much, don’t you think? Like you were just saying, there’s already enough ugliness in the world. You can’t beat it…
I will never be able to un-see that.
I’m a Bruins/Red Sox/Celtics fan, and obviously biased, but I think it’s a net positive. Most sports commentators are bland and essentially fungible. You might hate the Boston guys, but at least they’re people. They have personalities, and they stand for something, even if that something is utterly obnoxious at times.
Was that a Patriots joke, or am I just overly sensitive?
I believe the correct pluralization is “dumpsters.”
But it’s pretty clear it wasn’t intended to be a political endorsement. His buddy was running for president. If you’ve followed Brady over the years, it’s obvious that he doesn’t know or care at all about politics, especially during football season.
This is like 8 times funnier because of the OP’s handle.
He’s right, to a certain extent. Not from a moral standpoint, but from a business standpoint, he’s right on the money. As long as there’s an artificial scarcity of major sports teams and high demand for them among cities, you’ll continue to see this sort of behavior. No one who values kindness and civic duty over net…
I’ll buy this, no questions asked. But I don’t honestly expect it to be very good.
This is unusual for NFL reporters? It’s not like the other 31 cities have beat writers awash in Pulitzers.
It wasn’t just that one question at Belichick’s press conference that was met with a death stare. There were 20-second pauses between each question and 3-word answer. No one wanted to ask the next question. It was incredibly uncomfortable (and entertaining) to watch.
You would just have to stratify every floor tile in the (relatively small) buildable zone. Given a tile, all tiles coplanar with it are part of the same level. It’s a relatively easy thing to do, and it has plenty of basis in actual programming, however you define that term. Building a UI around it would probably be…
Nah, just pick a floor tile. That ‘level’ is all tiles coplanar with the tile you picked. (And all the objects on top of those tiles, if you want to be technical. But the game already keeps track of that, as demonstrated when you move tiles around that have furniture resting on top of them.)
I assume there will be another post about this, but Belichick’s press conference was the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever seen. It’s performance art of the highest order.
ESPN did an objectively miserable job of reporting on Ballghazi. They spread blatant misinformation (and dragged their heels for months in correcting it when it was demonstrated to be false), presumed guilt from the outset, and ignored any revelations that didn’t fit the narrative they’d created. And they frequently…
What are the other two?
I’m not sure it’s the in-game replay that’s making the officials so shaky. I think it’s more a product of our increasingly captious culture, fueled mostly by Twitter and its ilk.
Abstruse, not obtuse. :)