You seem pretty bitter about this.
You seem pretty bitter about this.
I’m a Pats fan, and obviously biased, but I do think there was some arguable favoritism here. Maybe not favoritism so much as an increased willingness to fix mistakes in prime-time games with records at stake. If that had been a 1:00 game and it was the 2-8 Titans instead of the undefeated Patriots, I don’t…
Not only that, but it happened in large part because Rex Ryan’s fat head was right in front of the linesman that blew the whistle.
It only went their way in the sense that the officials undid a portion of the damage they’d caused with their prior fuck-up. The net effect of the officials on that play was to cost the Patriots at least 20 yards.
My reaction to this headline was, “yeah, but I’ll bet morons are the ones who get to have the most fun with bears.” The video confirms my hypothesis.
I’ve been frisked at the gate at NFL games. It’s fairly common in this day and age.
It’s amazing that they were stupid enough to allow this to happen once. There’s no way it’ll happen again.
I did kind of a shitty job of articulating my point. I wasn’t trying to correct you, and while I’m not color-blind, I think “desaturated” is a pretty accurate way of describing how those simulated images look to me.
It also skews very heavily male for genetic reasons. So the share of colorblind NFL fans is probably a lot higher than 6%.
Both teams’ uniforms also have seizure-inducingly high levels of saturation. So that probably doesn’t help either.
Go to any workbench and hit Y/triangle. It’ll stash all your junk automatically. It’s not perfect, but it helps a lot.
Um, I don’t think the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis is run by the Santa Clara Stadium Authority.
Wait, their plan is to try to shame Bank of fucking America into doing the right thing?
There’s also the elephant in the room, which is that hard-hitting and/or carefully-reasoned journalism is basically the opposite of ESPN’s ethos.
I’m not sure I’d call it vindication. On the one hand, he proved that he was the magic that made the site work. On the other hand, it was a major piece of his legacy, and now it’s gone.
Ta-Nehisi Coates blames blatant systemic racism.
You realize that these words have preceded basically every round of layoffs in the history of mankind, no?
the legacy of smart long-form sports story-telling and innovative short form video content will continue... on many of our other ESPN platforms.
I’m a white male who was raised to always obey the police. It’s a great way to not get your ass beat or get charged with a crime. Does it mean that occasionally, you might have to swallow your pride for a moment? Sure. But it beats the hell out of getting dragged to jail, or worse.
Where did you learn all of this stuff? Not trying to be accusatory or anything; just genuinely curious.