Chill out with the nuance already! Here’s a torch; pitchforks are on the rack to your left.
Chill out with the nuance already! Here’s a torch; pitchforks are on the rack to your left.
These aren’t the Phelpses. From what I understand, this is a fairly distinguished figure in the feminist community who happens to have a controversial and unpopular view on a single specific issue. This scenario is basically the textbook argument for academic freedom.
This is the first Gawker comment I’ve ever bookmarked. Thank you for this incredibly eloquent presentation of an idea that I once thought was mere common sense.
Exactly. If they’re wrong, let them talk. The alternative is to cede them the high ground of intellectual openness.
Zebra F-301? Fuck that shit. Zebra Sarasa for life!
Zebra F-301? Fuck that shit. Zebra Sarasa for life!
I’ve read articles talking about how Belichick is a fan of The Art of War. All I can think of in situations like this (and that timeout he didn’t call right before Butler’s interception in February) is that Sun Tzu adage, “never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.”
Valid point, but this is likely the closest thing to justice that this case will ever see. Might as well take what you can get.
The rejection of Williams seems unique, though, in how callous it is.
Do what the Red Sox didn’t do this year and throw some W’s in there.
I don’t think this is all that different from a lot of what Rob Neyer writes, and I think you’re misinterpreting it. The entire thrust of his column seems to be, “don’t overreact,” followed by 498 words of padding.
Thanks for the info.
Presuming this case goes to trial, will any part of this rape kit debacle be admissible as evidence?
He may also have realized this case is bound to be a giant circus that is only going to get worse, and decided to cut his losses before it did completely derail his career.
Oh, only because of most of what we know about pro athletes in general, and everything we know about Patrick Kane in particular.
His jersey number is 7.
I think we all might be undervaluing the utility of a basic math education. $20K x 8 is $160K, not $1.6 million.