Travis of the Cosmos

I’m only 31. Why the hell do I get this joke?!

Unfortunately I don’t think it’ll matter in the court of public opinion.

Um, it’s not like their ballots are a different shape or something.

What’s racist about that? Given the discussion, I don’t think it’s out of bounds to talk about comparative economic status.

Was that really the point of the article? I read it more as “fuck this shit.”

It’d end up looking like a Civ map: all the blue states would just reform and maybe actually be able to pass laws, and they’d be surrounded by a bunch of barbarian encampments.

This argument is breaking my brain.

Not hard to be popular when you control all the media, censor the Internet and never hold free elections. And you can always just send the PLA in if your approval ratings drop.

The good news is, there is no fucking chance Trump becomes president.

Google “how to not boldface my whole post so people don’t immediately conclude I’m an asshole.”

Yeahhh, Western Europe is really fucked from all that socialism.

...Still anyone who votes Republican.

Dude, nobody wants to see that.

You’re not supposed to call black people “intelligent,” “well-spoken,” or “articulate.” I think the assumption is that people might infer that you think those are unusual qualities for a black person to have.

Not to drag this off-topic, but I think the Brady/Trump thing is really overstated. Trump’s been sending him “motivational speeches” for like 14 years (and you thought he couldn’t look like a bigger jackass). Brady knew him from the era when he was a paid source of TV entertainment, and now to a certain extent,

Yeah, but people wouldn’t click on an article called “Richard Sherman and Michael Bennett Mostly Agree About Stuff.”

We all shit on Pete Carroll for believing some batshit crazy things about 9/11—and rightfully so—but he deserves a lot of credit for letting his players speak out on things like this.

At least this one isn’t in Comic Sans.

You’ve completely shifted the goal posts here. Your original post was about men; now suddenly it’s about the authority figures in your life? And naturally, any perceived oppressiveness is a function of your respective genders. It’s pretty convenient, how that absolves you of any responsibility to question your own

If a man interrupts you, why not interrupt him right back? Why just concede defeat and throw your hands up and blame structural chauvinism? If you’re passionate about your ideas and express them with confidence, people will want to hear what you have to say. Not everything unsatisfying in the world has to be a symptom