Yeah, but have you seen this asshole?
Yeah, but have you seen this asshole?
It was a reference to allegations made in the ESPN story that the Patriots provide warm sports drinks to visiting teams (no, seriously, it says that; that’s how fucking ridiculous this whole thing has become), and that they rummage through trash cans looking for “intel.”
Yeah, but then they’d not only be foregoing any benefits they’d normally get from the headsets; they’d also be wasting their focus on playing some cartoonish mind game instead of calling plays and analyzing what was going on on the field.
That sounds great. Happen to have a link, or any idea where I might find it?
Except digital signals are transmitted over an analog carrier. You can’t transmit 1’s and 0’s; those are abstract concepts. You can only transmit a stream of electrons in a pattern designed to express them. That signal can still be interfered with. Both wired and wireless systems can be either digital or analog as…
He didn’t do that. They did that.
I’ve seen it brought up a couple of times. Usually responded to by Steelers fans with something like, “oh, but that was one time; you guys cheat all the time!” And usually surrounded by some pearl-clutching about asterisks.
I don’t think he was joking; I think he actually thinks you’re clueless. (As do I.)
By not explicitly adopting a stance, they can take all sides of an issue, so readers can cherry-pick parts that affirm their preexisting views. And then they can claim anything that looks bad in retrospect was sarcasm.
The whole point of “proof” is that you can show it to people to alleviate any doubts they might have about it. So no, if a tape has been destroyed, it’s no longer proof of anything. You can’t use it to prove to someone that something happened. Get it?
To be fair, everything said on Kinja is technically documented and at least half the posts are overwhelming in their stupidity, so he’s already most of the way to being right.
Mike Shula was in high school at the time. That was his father, Don. If you’re going to slander, at least do it accurately.
Unfortunately, real technology isn’t like Star Trek, where anyone with an associate’s degree can walk up to literally any station on any spaceship and know how to fly it.
You forgot to boldface your whole post this time. But that would definitely be a bullet point in “How Can I be A Prick on Kinja.”
Generally, any post containing the word “kinja” is a sarcastic dig at the site, not the context.
Which you’d think would be a competitive advantage, not an impediment.
Yet people are racing to comment at mach 3.
Well in that case, strap yourself in; it’s gonna be a long season. :(
You’re really comparing A-Rod’s glove slap to a defensive line shift?
This just doesn’t pass the smell test.