Travis of the Cosmos

Sorry about that. I keep making the mistake of trying to have an earnest discussion about this.

Is signing players who are using PED’s cheating? Manipulating the salary cap? Targeting vulnerable areas of players who have an injury history? Piping fake crowd noise into a stadium? Faking injuries at the end of a game when you’re out of timeouts? Being slow to show replays on the scoreboard if they might convince

Obviously broke the rules? There’s no evidence that those footballs were tampered with at all. The reported pressure loss is entirely consistent with what you’d expect from balls inflated to 12.5 psi at room temperature and then taken outside on a cold day. The only way the Wells Report could even claim there was a

I don’t think “cheated” is a fair characterization. They certainly recorded those signals from somewhere they knew they weren’t supposed to be recording. That’s what they were punished for. No, they shouldn’t have done it. Is it on the same level as using steroids, or videotaping other teams’ practices, or even having

Honestly, if someone built a Hall-of-Fame-QB supermodel-fucking robot that was lifelike enough to fool everyone for 14 years, I say fuck it, they deserve that trophy.

If Ballghazi doesn’t prove that the league “is out to get them,” I don’t really know what would.

So let’s do that. The Patriots have paid the price twice now. Let’s move on.

You’re ignoring the fact that gamesmanship and rule-bending have long been part of the professional football ethos (and, one could argue, the American ethos as well). And I have yet to hear anyone sufficiently articulate the massive advantage that they could have gotten from any of this for 14 straight years,

He got life without parole, thank god.

You’re here all day, every day, venting your spleen about this one thing. Do you even have a job?

tl;dr: A bunch of billionaires are butthurt that their toy isn’t the shiniest in the room.

You’re gonna lead with this photo and then claim you had no idea it was related to a sex crime?


Or somehow tied their dislike of green things to having not been vaccinated.

Yes, it is. Having a couch full of assault rifles says quite a lot about a person’s disposition. (Not recognizing that says something about it as well.)

The one getting angry and throwing insults around always has the better argument, right? Your initial assertion—that Berman made any judgments about the quality of the NFL’s evidence, implicit or otherwise—is dead wrong.

This joke is even lazier than Christie himself.

Compelling evidence? Did you read the decision? It explicitly disregarded the question of guilt or innocence because that’s not relevant in most types of legal appeal.

Much in the same way that having a bunch of idiots forcing a show trial on you isn’t the same thing as being guilty.

Fellow Pats fan here. That last bit sounds sarcastic. You think they came off badly in any of this? Like, to the kind of people that don’t hold D’s and fences up at Colts home games?