You realize that absolutely no good can come from addressing people like this in a serious manner, right? Just ignore him and he’ll commit suicide sooner or later. Problem solved.
You realize that absolutely no good can come from addressing people like this in a serious manner, right? Just ignore him and he’ll commit suicide sooner or later. Problem solved.
Over/under on Goodell setting foot in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts again? I’d say 3.5 years.
“Man, I never get credit for anything.”
I wouldn’t call such a person a moralizing dipshit. I would call them illiterate, though.
So if the slightest thing gives me the excuse to taint his legacy, I’m latching onto it like Jared Lorenzen to a cheese steak.
This is a productive argument you’re waging here.
Kanye had “all the cards stacked against him?” His mom was a college professor and his dad was a photojournalist. He may not have had a silver-spoon upbringing, but he didn’t exactly crawl out of a sewer pipe, either.
Maybe. But the barrier for entry to professional sports is a lot higher. I can’t go out and join the New England Patriots. Hell, I probably couldn’t even find an amateur team to join without pulling a Billy Madison and possibly going to jail for defrauding a local high school.
Yeah, that actually does sound frustrating as all hell. Having to read text at the pace of the person playing the game, watching them do something stupid and die a lot, or even not having control over the camera.
He didn’t build an AK from scratch. (I mean, really? Are we in federal court here?) The bottom line is, there is no way in hell he could have built a functioning assault rifle from a shovel without someone mailing him a bunch of specialized parts.
And cause diabetes. It’s something of a double-edged sword.
Plus, he has a really sweet laptop.
And, um, Glen Rice.
Nah, there’s no way in hell they would have taken a chance on this guy if they’d found even a restraining order. But I suspect most background checks aren’t very thorough. They search through a couple of databases; they don’t actually interview anyone or anything.
And once you’ve covered for him once, you have to start covering for your own role in prior coverups, too.
I also figured it was likely this happened at some point. But Subway will be fine: they probably didn’t break any laws and this won’t provoke enough sustained moral outrage to actually hurt their bottom line. It’s unlikely anyone will even get fired. I hope I’m wrong (their food was fucking gross even before they…
That’s a pretty impressive piece of craftsmanship. But he didn’t so much build an AK as reassemble it on top of a shovel handle. Even this, I suspect, would be beyond the means, skills or motivation of a majority of gun owners. And it still requires a bunch of premade gun parts! I know some anarchist fuckwit is trying…
I wasn’t trying to be insulting. I’ve seen you post here for a few days now and while I might disagree with a lot of what you’ve said, you’ve always made your case in a civil and intelligent manner. Maybe I was a little snide; sorry about that.
Completely ignoring whether or not this is true, even if it were, the US and Mexico would have to be similar in most other ways for this to be a valid comparison. I haven’t seen any paramilitary drug cartels terrorizing the US countryside recently...
Oh, hello, Poe’s Law.