Travis of the Cosmos

I get the appeal—I really do—but they can’t possibly be fun enough to justify the harm that their existence causes.

The wording has always struck me as deliberately vague. Almost like they couldn’t reach a consensus and decided to punt on the issue.

So why even bother with the gun? Is it a fashion accessory?

Your “views” are forced on tens of thousands of people a year, in the form of a bullet.

If fire extinguishers killed thousands of people every year, you’d think twice before having one of those around, too.

You speak in coherent sentences and don’t seem belligerent and/or 14, so you might not be the target audience for that argument. :) An inordinate number of Kinja intellectuals run around saying things like, “I need a gun for defense, and you’re a pussy for being afraid of them.” I think that’s who OP’s sentiment was

I do live in America, and I often wonder this myself.

The Bill of Rights is from a time before even rifles existed. We reinterpret the Constitution all the time; the Supreme Court has issued literally hundreds of decisions that change how it’s applied. What should make the Second Amendment any different?

But is there even a point in discussing it if you can’t put the actual solution on the table?

This is a very eloquent take on an argument many of us have been trying to make for years—and one I can never organize quite right. Well done.

Hey, chill, I’m sure we’ll get to Seattle soon. do realize this is a series, right? And that they do every team?

Might I propose a minor amendment to the new flag? I think you could hit a lot of the right notes simply by simply extending Mr. The Bandit’s pinky finger.

Yup, and the English maintained their supremacy for ages with longbows. At some point, the dude with the biggest rock had military superiority.

Go ahead and secede already. And don’t call us; we’ll call you.

OMG you’re totally right! Swimming pools, cigarettes, guns and health care are all completely interchangeable.

I don’t get it. You’re saying I’m mischaracterizing your position, and you don’t think a legitimate purpose of guns is to protect you from the government?

What are you even talking about? What sample? We haven’t even defined an experiment, or the population we’re sampling.

Wow. I don’t know whether to laugh at this desperately frothing torrent of impotent child-rage, or to genuinely feel sorry for you.

You probably could never “make guns go away,” and that isn’t even the goal. The police and the military would still need to be armed. And yes, some hardcore criminals would likely always have guns.