Tens of thousands per year? By civilians? Bullshit. Even presuming there’s a way to reliably measure that.
Tens of thousands per year? By civilians? Bullshit. Even presuming there’s a way to reliably measure that.
Wait, so your handle is “Are you completely stupid?” and you’re lecturing someone else on being reactionary?
You know what sounds fun? Studying infectious diseases. How would you feel if the guy moving in next door to you had a collection of Smallpox vials? As long as he’s having fun, no harm, no foul, right?
Has it occurred to you that a table showing that two thirds of US homicides are committed with guns might not be helping your cause?
I’m actually fairly interested in how a rifle could possibly be a good home defense option. Do you live in a lookout tower?
And the legitimate reasons outweigh the harm they cause? If another type of sporting equipment caused 300 deaths a year, it would be banned in an instant. That’s less than 1% of annual US gun fatalities. Hell, even freaking lawn darts are illegal.
How about weaponized smallpox and/or nerve gas? Should totally be fair game for random yahoos to arm themselves with imo.
He’s got a good point. Ban them all.
Yup! Guns have loads of uses:
You keep making the same fallacious argument over and over again.
I love how the conservative movement discovered meme gifs like five years after they stopped being fashionable.
The same could be said for rocket-propelled grenades. Or smallpox. Maybe we should let people collect those, too.
With floating island bases.
You can definitely see fiber cables in the bottom-right corner of that close-up image. But wouldn’t they have to be, like, connected to something external?
This wasn’t a regular play, though. The Patriots had their goal line D in, as any team would have in that situation. Not saying it was a great play call, but those numbers don’t necessarily apply all that cleanly here.
The black population is what, like 13% of the country? There’s not a politician in history that hasn’t had 13% of his constituents hate his guts. And honestly, if the electorate listens to the black population in the 2016 elections, it’ll be a historic moment for America. Because it sure as hell hasn’t happened…
Just because your cause is righteous, that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to interrupt people anytime you want, or hijack their event. I don’t see how “direct action” like this is likely to win you any friends, especially in a crowd of people who likely already agree with you. But it certainly provides ammunition to…
So I will break it down in a top ten as I normally do on areas I would like to assert my opinion
This is mean, and kind of horrible, and so fucking funny that I don’t even care.
Troy Vincent was selected for that job with a completely distinct set of criteria from what it actually requires. But then again, so are most GM’s in most sports.