I am doubting those women will change their minds . I know what I feel like I saw yesterday but from what I can tell the Trumpsters are even stronger in their beliefs after that hearing . I guess I need to find new friends on Facebook . I can’t believe how many women think it’s ok if a woman was sexually assaulted at…
You know Megan Ganz wrote this episode, right?
of COURSE some bro is going to roll in here with, “See!? This absurdist comedy confirms EVERYTHING wrong with Me, Too!”
Absolutely! I think she has zero effs to give in private but has to remain neutral in public.
As noted in an article I read somewhere, this wasn’t a problem for the previous court nominees (Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch). I don’t really understand why the Republicans are so insistent on Kavanaugh.
Like trump. No wonder 45 loves kavanaugh so much
At this point, FUCK anyone who slams Michael Avenatti. He’s doing what WE ALL wish we were doing. GOING after the most immoral and corrupt administration of our (maybe all) times.
Also, “one of the good ones” and in favor of “fiscal conservatism and small government” are not compatible. Small government is code for keeping more of the money I made on the backs of working people and dismantling any kind of a safety net.
Yeah, I’m sorry Michelle, but “when they go low we go high” doesn’t really work at this point in history because they appear to have infinite levels of low.
He is just as New York sleazebag as Donny Boy, and that’s exactly why Avenatti is so effective. They both know the tabloid playbook, but Avenatti is willing to use it to help his clients.
There are good Republicans, but they voted for Hillary Clinton.
Well, to be fair, there aren’t any.
He’s a slimeball, but he out plays them at their own game. He’s the exact kind of slimeball you want on your team.
They can hate him being a media whore all they want. They can hate his talk about running for President all they want (personally I think he’s only saying it to get under Trump’s increasingly orange and/or thin skin.) But the man is a damn good lawyer. I’d be scared to be on the other side of the courtroom from him.
At this point I think we can call this “Classic” Avenatti. Threaten something damning. Give them a chance to clear the air (or more likely hang themselves.) Then swing the hammer.
There’s. NEVER. just. one.
Her statement is hard to read, and, importantly, incredibly specific and damning. She mentions other witnesses willing to speak, she’s worked in the government for years and holds multiple security clearances, and she submitted a sworn affidavit.
Turn your disgust into anger. Go to your local high school and/or college and register young women to vote. Drag every decent person you know to the polls. Fight back.
I want to throw up. I am so disgusted by everyone in the Republican party right now.