
What does writing a book have to do with running a television show?

Me pleeeeaaasssseeeee! thank you!

On some level, I admire the shamelessness. According to people who are familiar with scammers/crook types, the bigger the grift, the less likely the person will get caught. She’s a connected rich person, she knows how to scam on a grand scale, and drag out court proceedings till everything gets settled or the case is

I was looking for this quote, but couldn’t remember where I read it. It’s Spicer’s whole phony demeanor that bugs me the most: the whole, Nobody hates me! You all LOVE ME! Look at my frilly shirt! I’m in on it! I can laugh at myself! I’m not evil! See! You’re gonna love it!

I’ve never understood why people go to religion based universities at all. I can’t imagine that a degree from these places holds any weight.

Accurate. Scarily accurate.

OMG. Tellll ussssss.

She also looked like she wanted to crawl through the screen and tongue him to death. I guess she can quash her Nazi feelings when it comes to a hot athletic type. She’s such a troll. I hope she ingested some mercury when she ate her lightbulb steak.

BoJo infuritates me. I’ve never seen a more punchable face. It’s the combo of the hair, lack of neck, rotund soft body and accent that make me livid. Glad I’m not the only one.

Because no matter what happens, Bogus will be fine. He and his upper class British twit assholes will never ever suffer one second of trouble. Maybe they’ll have to wait an extra ten minutes to get their food in restaurants, but like Susan Sarandon, nothing will affect her or them so who cares about the rest of the

My favorite part was when she bitched “I’m not listening to some virtue signaller” and then said “Welcome back to The View.” She is such a goddamn bitch all the time. WHY won’t Fox News just take her back? Can she not get an offer from some other right-wing rag and go work there? Can her idiot husband not hire her? I

It’s a very famous article. I have it bookmarked and read it from time to time to stay sharp.

Bretbug Stephens. It’s pretty permanent now, I would think.

Of course you know how they do. They never ever think they’re wrong, they never think they make mistakes, they believe everyone likes them and thinks they’re perfect. When they are reminded that they’re idiots who most people would cheerfully muzzle and never think about again, they crash back down to Earth for ten

Gotta disagree. My list is: Rupert Murdoch, Putin and Nigel Fawaaaaage. Bitch McTurtle is running scared right now - they need to keep relentless pressure going on him to finish him once and for all.

Your grandpa knows what time it is.

And so dumb they had to make short movies to make him understand whatever he was speechifying about at the time. Not a joke. He was so dumb the Republican power people had to start making videos so he’d be able to follow them. My prediction: Chris Pratt as St. Reagan 2.0 in 2028 or something.

Unequivocally my most hated President. If they’re smearing Clinton so hard (who has his flaws, no doubt, but was a decent President), why the hell aren’t they exposing this idiot for every scummy thing he did? Every time someone says they admire Reagan, I steer a wide berth.

Took the words right out of my mouth. St. Reagan was probably in the corner stroking it as they were taking the picture.

Seriously. Who didn’t know that St. Alzheimer’s Reagan wasn’t a raging racist? Also, he didn’t architect Reaganomics. He was famously so stupid that his staff had to make 10 min videos for him to understand what his speeches were meant to be about. He was run by a fascist cabal and didn’t know his own name midway