
I don't care for either of them. Ok bye!

im just about tired of both of these goofy ass clowns.

He left out the part where he cried while doing it though.


not shown, these guys later wheezed the juice.


One thing I’m not totally clear on... is there fighting in the bleachers?

They are all compromised and they don’t want to stand up to Putin so they have to dance like happy little puppets for Trump. 

Indeed. The Democrats make me laugh with talk of impeaching and removing Kavanaugh and Gorsuch if it is proven that Trump is illegitimate. More specifically, they want to impeach and remove Kavanaugh if it is proven that he repeatedly lied to the Senate about his partying, sexual assaults, sports gambling, email

If by white collar career, you mean stacking shirts at JC Penney’s, then maybe.

It’s almost like they’re everywhere, at every level of society!

You’re on private property, you don’t have permission to videotape us.

Look, many people are virgins prior to having sex for the first time. 


Over and over, my attention keeps going to the conservative women defending this piece of shit and casting doubt on the accusations. What’s most amazing to me is - Dr. Ford IS those women, even though she votes Democrat now and seems like a nice moderately-progressive white lady. She grew up in a conservative,

Someone posted a tweet “Conservative women saying that “if that’s assault, then all women have been assaulted!” are sooo close.” But I can’t find the tweet again.

“Unless there’s something more, no, I’m not going to ruin Judge Kavanaugh’s life over this”

B-b-b-b-but they put a fish in a blender. HI-LARIOUS!!!!!!!

Here’s the secret about Saturday Night Live: It was never very funny. It’s just that in the 70s it was something that “felt” new.

I usually enjoy a bit of Fletch if it happens to be on.